Names for June Babies

Posted on: June 1st, 2017\""by Ruth Fitzpatrick

Summer is finally here! We are ALL really looking forward to some sun, rest and relaxation. And if your little bundle is coming this month, you have even more to be excited about! Here at Nameslist, we've been looking through all the best June-inspired names for all those precious babies coming soon. SO if you're still on the fence, or need a little bit extra inspiration, here are 10 of our favorites:

Juni We love this Scandinavian twist on the classic June. It's playful and crisp, and is definitely going to be an original ' but not super unusual ' option to consider. With the recent popularity of the TV adaption of The Handmaid's Tale, more parents might be thinking of "June"-esque names to honor its heroine. If you think June is too plain and Juni too eccentric though, try Juna, or the original Latin form, Juno.

Alexander We have to admit, we had to google alexandrite, but it's actually a pretty fascinating precious gem and the birthstone of June too! Alexander and the feminine form, Alexandra, are both popular names in the US, and mean 'defending men'. The gem alexandrite, meanwhile, is remarkable in that it appears to change color depending on the light ambience. Pretty cool!

Margot Some months are just luckier than others, and June is blessed in having not one birthstone, but two! Along with alexandrite, pearl is one of the precious gems associated with this month. The name Pearl is making a comeback in America as more parents seek retro-sounding names, but we think Margot is an equally impressive, original and classy choice. It's a diminutive of Margaret, and like all variants of that name, it also means 'pearl'.

Dara The majority of new Daras born in the States are girls, but in its native homeland, Ireland, it's almost exclusively a boy's name. But, given how lyrical and sweet it sounds, we think it would suit either! It means 'oak tree', which happens to be one of the Celtic trees associated with the month of June. The mystical druids of ancient Europe thought this tree was particularly magical and powerful, and it was venerated in many cultures and mythologies.

Ilana Another name meaning 'oak tree', this soft and sensuous Hebrew girl's name could be a unique alternative to Alana or Arianna.

Leo Bloomsday - an international day celebrating the formidable work of fiction, Ulysses ' is held each year on June 16. James Joyce's magnum opus centers around the day in the life of his hero, Leopold Bloom, so Leo could be an awesome choice for literature, culture, summer and Ireland fans! Leo means 'lion' in Latin, and is currently a popular choice among parents in many different countries and cultures.

Rose Could any other name smell as sweet? Rose is one of the classic flower names which has never entirely disappeared from America's hearts. It's seeing a bit of a revival at the moment, though it doesn't look like it will ever be able to recreate its immense popularity of the early 20th century. It's the flower associated with the month of June, and it has lot of pretty and playful diminutives and variants to work with: Rosie, Rosy, Roseanna, to name but a few.

Jared On the one hand, this name is getting a lot of exposure at the moment in the American news cycle, but on the other: it's not all for the right reasons. Still, this name might prove popular with parents looking for an Old Testament name with a bit of a cowboy ring to it. It has two meanings in Hebrew: while it's most often said to mean 'he descends', it has the additional meaning of 'rose'.

Sorley A robust and jovial name with a hint of a cheeky brogue, Sorley is an Irish surname which is prime for use as a first or middle name. It means 'summer sailor' in Irish Gaelic, and could be just what you need for your summer baby!

Suvi Meaning 'summer', this name sounds like it just radiates sunshine and fresh, summer happiness! It's a Finnish name which would definitely be a unique choice for most American parents, but it's one we absolutely love and think should be used more often!

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