Brazilian last Names - Page 1

Brazilian family names have a long and rich history. Many of the most common Brazilian surnames are of Portuguese origin, as Portugal was the colonial power in Brazil for many years. Other common Brazilian surnames have origins in Spanish, German, Italian, and French names, as there has been significant immigration from all of these countries to Brazil.

There are many stories and legends surrounding the origins of Brazilian family names. One popular legend is that of Antônio Rodrigues Aragão, who was supposedly the first person to use the surname Aragão. According to legend, Rodrigues was a young man from Portugal who came to Brazil in the 16th century. He fell in love with a Brazilian woman named Maria da Silva, but her father disapproved of their relationship. In order to be able to marry her, Rodrigues took on the surname Aragão, which was the name of Maria's family.

Another legend tells the story of João Fernandes Vieira, who was a Portuguese explorer who sailed to Brazil in 1500. Fernandes is said to have liked the country so much that he decided to stay and change his name to Vieira, which means "green" in Portuguese.

There are also many Brazilian surnames that have indigenous origins. These names often reflect the regions where indigenous people live or the animals that are important to them. Some examples of indigenous Brazilian surnames include Gomes (meaning "monkey") or Silva (meaning "forest").

Have a look at these Brzilian surnames to know more:

Aasmann Abadessa Abadia Abadio Abagaro Abage Abagge Abalem Abalen Abanca Abath Abatti
Abbade Abbruzzini Abdanur Abdao Abdelnor Abdon Abduch Abech Abegao Abeldt Abelha Abelini Abentroth Abibe Abidala Abijaude Abilhoa Abintes Abitibol Abner Abolis Abondanza Abonizio Abouchar Abraao Abrahao Abrame Abramo Abramoski Abramovay Abranches Abrantes Abras Abrel Abreu Abrita Abritta Abs Absy Abtibol Abujamra Aburachid Abutrab Acacia Acauan Accacio Accari Accarini Accioli Accioly Acco Accordi Aceiro Acerbi Achcar Ache Acherman Achiles Achoa Achui Achur Aciole Acioli Acioly Acorde Acordi Acorsi Acs Acunha Acurcio Adaime Adamatti Adami Adamoski Adans Adario
Adati Adelia Aderaldo Aderne Aderno Adiers Adissi Adorne Adorno Adoryan Adri Adriana
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Last Names by countries

Afghans Algerian Albanian Angolan Argentines Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bangladeshi Belarusian Belgian Benin Bolivian Bosniak Brazilian Bulgarian Burkinab Cambodian Cameroonian Canadaian Chilean Chinese Colombian Croatian Czech Congolese Danish Dominican Republic Ecuadorian Egyptian British Ethiopian Finn French Georgian German Ghanian Greek Guatemalan Haitian Hungarian Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Japanese Kazakh Kenyan Latvian Lebanese Lithuanian Macedonian Malaysian Mexican Moroccan Mozambican Nepali Netherland Nigerian Norwegian Pakistani Peruvian Filipino Polish Portugese Romanian Russian Saudi Arabian Serbian Slovak Slovenes South African Spanish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss Syrian Tanzanian Tunisian Turkish Ugandan Ukrainian US-American Uzbek Venezuelan Vietnamese Zambian Zimbabwean