Armenian baby names

Updated: April 9th, 2024

Armenia is a Nation which has history dating back to 2000 years B.C., so Armenians have a rich list of baby names.

Traditionally, Armenian baby names are borrowed from Bible which is of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew origin. They also take baby names from other cultures and civilizations and from the names of elements found in nature. Few examples of Biblical names that are used as Armenian baby names are Adam, Mariam, and Abraham. In modern times, typical Armenian baby's last name end with the patronymic suffix յան (yan) or եան (ian) or less often '-jan'. Some Armenian last name also contains the suffix լի ([li]) preceding the -յան/-եան suffix. Sometimes Armenian last names also derived from place name, profession, personal name of the ancestor, noble rank, or personal characteristics.

Below is the list of 120+ Armenian baby names. Have a look!

Ornament, Adorning, Decorative, Brings Rain
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Immaculate, Unstained
Beautiful Morning, Eternal, Everlasting, Sweet
Sweet, Star, Following Desire, Single
Speedy, Adorning, Brings Rain, Embellishing
Answered Prayer, Speedy, Decoration, Brings Rain
High, Highness, Righteous Woman, Exalted
Divinity of Wisdom
Warm, Burning with Enthusiasm, Eagle, Bronze
High Mountain, Tall, The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil
Like the Sun
Strong and Man
Girl, Woman
Rule, Eagle and Elder, Adler
Virile, The Element Arsenios Meaning Virile
Good Tidings
Good Tidings
Independence, Free, Freedom
Rock, The Stone, Strong, River
Little, The Small, Weak, Humble
Judge is God
Wealthy Guardian, Guard of His Wealth
Blessed, Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Defender, Rich
Diamond, Resembling a Diamond
Diamond, Resembling a Diamond
Diamond, Resembling a Diamond
Diamond, Resembling a Diamond
Resembling a Diamond, Diamond
Resembling a Diamond, Diamond
Trust, Trustworthy, Confident
Power of Discrimination, Happy, One who Distinguishes Truth from Falsehood
Guardian, Son of Gary
Grave, Desert, Fierce, Wild Ass
Vigilant Watchman, Alert, Watchful
Yahweh May Protect, A Cheerful Boy, Variant of Jacob, Tamil Show Host James
One from the Hedged Enclosure
Small Village, Hamlet
A Small Fiery Woman
Merciful, German Form of John
Merciful, The Lord is Gracious, German Form of John
God will Add, Jehova Increases
Strong Hard Working
Life, Soul
Beloved, Dear, The Pure, Pretty
A Wooden Post, Warrior and Assault
One who Works the Earth
One who Works the Earth
One who Works the Earth
Alert, The Watchful, Vigilant Watchman
Vigilant Watchman, Alert, The Watchful
Tulip, Domination, Glory, Well-spoken
Joined to, Attached, Garland, Adhesion
Famous, Fame and War, Battle, Feminine of Louis
Soft, Deer, Swan
Jewel, Name of a Saint, Pearl
of Rivers, L
of Rivers, L
L, of Rivers
L, of Rivers
Miracles, Mark, Symbol, Sign
Mark, Sign, Symbol, Miracles
Gift of God
Nike, Bear
Ocean, Sea
The Elements Pan Meaning All Every, All Holy
River, Rock, The Stone, Strong
Powerful, Hear, God
Born to Royalty
Born to Royalty
Born to Royalty
Born to Royalty
Echo of Forests, Noise
Noise, Echo of Forests
Who Gives Life, The Embodiment of Service
Master, Seductive, Lord
The Crowned, The Crowned
A Queen
Lord Shiva, Musical
God is My Judge
Fighting with Arrows
One who Shields Others
One who Shields Others
One who Shields Others
One who is Strong
One who is Strong
One who is Strong
One who is Strong
One who is Strong
One who is Strong
One who is Strong
Blessing, Lord Shiva
As Beautiful As a Rose
God Protects My House, God's Promise, Variant of Elizabeth