Changing Baby's Diaper - Basics

Posted on: August 15th, 2017\""by Ivana Stamenkovic

Changing your baby's diaper is an easy job, but if you're a first-time parent, it may seem a little bit challenging. But once you overcome your fear and get some practice, you’ll do it in no time. Most of the babies like undressing (dressing is the problem here). And diaper changes are an ideal time for making a connection with your baby. You can also include your older children - they can help you with adding you the things you need.

How Often Should You Change Your Baby's Diaper?

Newborns can usually soil up to ten diapers a day. You should change your baby's diaper before and after each nap or feeding, and you can check the diaper in the meantime by pulling out the leg band of the diaper to see if the diaper is wet or dirty. Sometimes you'll notice that the diaper is heavy or smells bad, but you should never rely just on the weight and smell. It's important to change the diaper immediately when it's soiled, to prevent the diaper rash.

Before You Start
You should change your baby's diaper in a clean and dry place - a changing table or a portable changing pad. Set them up in an easy-to-access area. If you don't have them, you can use disposable changing pads, as well.

Check this list to make sure you’ve prepared everything:
- a clean diaper
- a diaper rash cream
- a washcloth or wipes
- a plastic basin filled with warm water

For cloth diapers, you'll need a diaper pail - to store dirty diapers before laundering them, and for disposal diapers, you might think about a diaper disposal system - to toss dirty diapers since it contains odor. You might also prepare spare clothes because sometimes you'll have to change the whole baby.

Wash your hands, or clean them with a hand sanitizer and you're ready to start.

A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Before you remove the dirty diaper, place one clean diaper under your baby's bottom.
* for a big diaper mess, you should first put a cloth or disposable pad under your baby instead of the clean diaper
2. Unfasten and fold over the tabs on the dirty diaper. That way you'll prevent them from sticking to your baby.
3. Fold the front half of the dirty diaper.
* when changing diapers on a boy, cover his penis with a clean cloth or another diaper, to prevent him from peeing on either of you.
4. When changing a poopy diaper, use the front half of the diaper to remove the most of it from your baby's bottom.
* put that half (clean side up) under your baby
5. Clean your baby's front with wipes or washcloth.
* baby girls should be wiped from front to back (toward the bottom)
6. When changing a poopy diaper, lift your baby or roll her from one side to another, so that you can wipe her bottom.
* don't forget to clean the creases of her thighs and buttocks
7. Wait a few minutes for your baby's skin to air dry.
8. Apply some rash cream to prevent a diaper rash.
9. Put the dirty diaper on the side.
10. The clean diaper should be right under your baby, so you should just put the front half of the clean diaper on your baby's belly.
* if your baby is a boy, you should point his penis down
* and if you're changing a diaper on a newborn - avoid covering the umbilical cord stump until it falls off and the area heals
11. Fasten the clean diaper with the tabs at both sides.
12. Dump any poop into the toilet, fold up the dirty diaper and fastened it with the tabs.

Wash your hands, or clean them with a hand sanitizer and you're ready to go.

Safety Tips
Be sure to check if everything you’ll need is within arm’s reach. Never, under any circumstances, leave a baby on a changing table or a changing pad without an adult supervision! Always keep one hand on a baby if you're changing her on an elevated surface. Even the slightest movements could cause your baby to fall. You should keep some toys or books close so that you can distract her during diaper changes. This will keep her calm and prevent her from grabbing soiled diapers or putting her fingers into the diaper cream.

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Infant Care Diapering
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