Names that mean Renowned

Updated: June 5th, 2024
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Yahweh Remembers, Renowned by God, Whom Jehovah Remembered
Darkly Complexioned, Coal, Prince of Red Roses, The Black
Fight, Loud, Struggle, Renowned Warrior
Sorrow, Fickle, Carl, Goddess Lakshmi
War, Famous, Battle, Renowned Warrior
Coal Town, Frisky, Diminutive of Colston, Colt
Fight, Warrior, Famous in Battle, Fame and War
Famous Warrior, Fame, Glory and Launches, Renowned Spearman
Feminine of Louis, Renowned in Battle, Famous Warrior
Brilliant and Raven, Will, Shining Pledge, Bright Warrior
Town of Colt-breeding, Colt Herder, Dark Settlement, Renowned Mariner
Domain, Glory and Earth, Renowned in the Land, Homeland
Helmet and Famous, Well-Known, Noble, Honorable
Renowned in Battle, Born At Daybreak, Feminine of Louis, Pearl
Renowned Warrior, Fame and War, Fight, Light
Famous Elf, Renowned in Battle, Feminine of Louis, Illustrious and Fighter
God has My Recalls, The Lord Remembers, Whom Jehovah Remembered
Renowned in Battle, Pearl, Light, Famous Warrior
Renowned Mariner, Prince of Red Roses, People's Victory, Triumphant People
Big, Rival, Light, Immense
Surname, From the Broad Ridge, Brother, Form of Roderick
Prevail, Fame, Famous Landowner, Renowned
Roe Deer, Red Haired, Renowned Land, From the Rowan Tree
Clearing surrounded by box trees
A Person of Story, Renowned
Renowned, Country, Glory and Earth, Domain
Famous Landowner, Glory and Earth, Country, Domain
Praise, Renowned Warrior, Fame and Fight, War
Diminutive of Colston, Frisky, From the Dark Town, Renowned Mariner
Of Shea and gift
Reclusive, Loud, Brotherly, Fame and Fight
Son of VasudevaBrahma Purana, Happiness, Pleased, Famous
Earl, Wolf Fame, Renowned in the Land, Form of Roland
Frisky, Dark Settlement, Unknown Owner of Property, Renowned Mariner
Renowned Land, Son of a Little Wise Wolf
People's Victory, Coal, Son of Nicholas, Young Creature
Famous Landowner, Glory and Earth, Country, Domain
Fame, English, Famous Warrior, Renowned Spearman
Fame and Fight, War, Loud, Famous
Bright, Heroic, Renowned Northerner, Brilliant Hero
Renowned Warrior, Loud, Famous, From Germany
Shiny, Bright, Desire, Fame
Famous Northman, North and Brilliant, Illustrious, Renowned Northerner
Clover, Renowned Fighter, Name of a King, Illustrious and Fighting
Praise, Famous in Battle, Fight, Struggle
Truth and Reason, Wolf, Princess of the Sea, Lou
Bringer of Light, Lou, Shining, Precious
Famous Landowner, Glory and Earth, Country, Domain
Renowned Ruler, Surname, Brother, From the Broad Ridge
Young Horse, Unknown Owner of Property, Colt, Dark Settlement
Commutative Form of Louise, Renowned in Battle
Goddess of protection
Yahvé Remembers, Whom Jehovah Remembered
Fame, Famous Warrior, Glory and Launches, Renowned Spearman
Imitating, To Strive, Universal, Eager
In Wales, Resembling a Lion, Renowned Warrior, Diminutive of Lewis
From the Pointed Hill, Domain, Glory and Earth, Form of Roland
Fickle, Pain, Lady of Sorrows, Strong Woman
The Bright, Wished of Chld, Famous in Battle, Born at Daybreak
Famous, Powerful, Renowned Land
Homeland, Glory and Earth, Renowned, Fame
Yahweh has Remembered, God Remembers
Famous Warrior, Struggle, Fame and Fight, Praise
Fame, Famous with the Spear, Renowned Spearman, Glory and Launches
Domain, Famous Land Owner, Fame, Country
Son of Gunnar
Renowned in Battle, Commutative Form of Louise
Cane, Renowned
Warrior, Fame and War, Illustrious Fighter, Form of Louis
Prince of Red Roses, Darkly Complexioned, Young Creature, The Black
Famous, Lives by the Road, Renowned Man, The Word Hruod Meaning Fame
Famous Land Owner, Country, Domain, Homeland
Famous, Pearls, Fight, Rabbit
Darkly Complexioned, Dark Haired, Coal, The Black
Fight, Heroine, Famous Warrior, Renowned Battle
Famous Land Owner, Fame, Homeland, Glory and Earth
Happy, Vishnu, Pleased, Son of Vasudeva
Whom Jehovah Remembered, Yahvé Remembers, Renowned by God
Yahweh Remembers, Renowned by God, Whom Jehovah Remembered
Rivaling, Famous in Battle, Laborious, Renowned Warrior
Famous, Renowned
Famous in Battle, Praise, Struggle, Renowned Warrior
Renowned for His Devotion to His Guru, Renowned for her Devotion to her Teacher
Young Creature, Prince of Red Roses, The Black, Darkly Complexioned
Glory and Launches, Famous with the Spear, Renowned Spearman, Fame
Glory and Earth, Famous Landowner, Fame, Country
Of Renowned Glory, Fame, Peace
Loud, Rabbit, Wolf, Ana
Famous in Battle, Renowned Warrior, Struggle, Fight
Loud, Fight, Heroine, Famous Warrior
Darkly Complexioned, Dark Haired, Coal, The Black
Light, Bright Born At Daybreak, Pearls, Fame and War
Famous with the Spear, Fame, Glory and Launches, Renowned Spearman
God has Remembered My, Acute, The Lord Remembers, Acer
Yahweh Remembers, The Lord has Remembered, God Remember
Highborn and Renowned, Noble
Battle, Joyce, Feminine of Louis, Healthy
Renowned, Well Known, Accepted
Famous Warrior, Renowned Spearman, Fame, Glory and Launches
Form of Roland, Famed Throughout the Land, Famous Wolf, Earl
The Element Berht Meaning Bright Famous, Strength, Brilliant, Will
Pure Rose, Protection, Renowned Protector, Variant of Rosamund
Earl, Famous Wolf, Homeland, Leader
Famous with the Spear, Fame, Glory and Launches, Renowned Spearman
Yahvé Remembers, Whom Jehovah Remembered, God has My Recalls
Knowledge, Merciful, Renowned Ruler, Brother
Renowned, Cane
Of Renowned Glory, Fame, Peace
Renowned, Bright
Defender of Mankind, Warrior, Yahweh Remembers, Defending Men
Famous in Battle, Renowned Warrior, Struggle, Fight
The Element Berht Meaning Bright Famous, Renowned Northerner, Brilliant, Strength
Sorrow, Carl, Fickle, Lady of Sorrows
Famous Northman, North and Brilliant, Illustrious, Renowned Northerner
Renowned Warrior, War, Loud, Praise
Famous Warrior, Fight, War, Feminine of Louis
Famous Warrior, Glory and Launches, Fame, Renowned Spearman
Black and Famous, Dark, Renowned Seafarer, Dark-haired
Shiny, Generous and Brilliant, Bright, Young Bear
Renowned by God, Whom Jehovah Remembered, The Lord Remembers
The Black, Prince of Red Roses, Darkly Complexioned, Young Creature
Whom Jehovah Remembered, Yahvé Remembers, Renowned by God
Famous Land Owner, Fame, Glory and Earth, Renowned
Famous with the Spear, Fame, Glory and Launches, Renowned Spearman
God has Remembered, Protector of Mankind, Defending Men, Yahvé Remembers
Country, Renowned in the Land, Glory and Earth, Famous Landowner
Bright, Son of Chanaka, Great Scholar, Renowned Mauryan Writer and Politician
Famous Warrior, Glory and Launches, Fame, Renowned Spearman
Famous in Battle, Brotherly, Sister, From Germany
Renowned Northerner, Northern Brightness, North and Brilliant, Bright
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