Edier name meaning

What does Edier mean?

Edier is variant transcription of Edir. Edir is a variant form of prevalent Eder.

Variants of Edier

Edir, Eder, Edder

Names that rhyme with Edier

How popular is the name Edier?

Edier is a rare baby name in United States and may not be used now since it isn't seen since 2009. But Edier is a popular baby name in Colombia where every 1 in 8000 have the name.

According to our research, over 7000 babies have been named Edier globally.



What numbers say about Edier?

You are never bored. Even when you are alone. You are outgoing and fun but there are times when you prefer solitude over party and books over people. Meditation is your thing. You possess great communication and organization skills, something many people admire you for. If letter R is your capstone, it reveals your fear of failure. You are persistent but without motivation, you won't accomplish anything.

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Famous people named Edier

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