Names that rhyme with Jino

The list of words or names that rhyme with Jino. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Jino.
AbelinoBoy Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic
AcelinoBoy Father
AcianoBoy A Wend, Wanderer, Victorious, Lord Krishna, Imperishable, A Name of Vishnu, Lord Krishna
AdelinoBoy Father, Pain, Lipless
AdrianoBoy Black, Dark, Of the Adriatic, From Hadria
AgostinoBoy Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel, The August
AgripinoBoy Brave Noble, Noble and Courageous, Noble Eagle
AinoGirl From the Afton River, Place Name, The Only One
AladinoBoy Father
AlanoBoy Renowned by God, The Lord Remembers, Whom Jehovah Remembered, God Remembers, Powerful, Greatest, Bigger, Lord Shiva
AlbanoBoy Noble, Nobility, Flag, Truthful, Exalted, Defending Men, White
AlbinoBoy Father, The White
AlohilaniGirl Harmony, Stone, Noble, Fair, Handsome One
AluinoBoy Noble Friend
AlvinoBoy Highborn, Brilliant
AminoGirl Noble, Of the Nobility
AndinoBoy Sublime, Noble Friend, Wise Friend
AngelinoBoy Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
AnnoBoy The Lord is Gracious, Eagle
AntinoBoy Favour, Grace, God is Gracious, God has Shown Favour, Gracious, Eagle, Introduced to Britain in the 13th Century
AntoinoBoy Noble Friend, Diminutive of Alvin, Invaluable
AntonelloBoy Noble Friend, Diminutive of Alvin, Invaluable
AntoninoBoy Sublime, Noble Friend, Wise Friend
AquilinoBoy Mother, God-like
AquinoBoy Graceful, Priceless, Gracious, Form of Anna, God has Favoured Me, Friendly, Grace, Favour, Mercy, Unique, Talent, Glory, Extreme Large, Without Comparison, Hard Working, Honest, Love Person, Anytime Happy
ArnaudBoy The Eagle Rules, Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, Strength of an Eagle, Eagle Power, Powerful Eagle
ArnoBoy Will Helmet, Resolute Protector, Will, Son of William, Eagle
ArsenoBoy Pledge, Oath
AtilanoBoy Defender, Nobility, The Supreme Spirit, Mother, Noble Kind, True to All, Swift, Speedy, Ornament, Decoration, Brings Rain, Embellishing, Adorning, Decorative, Answered Prayer, To Pray for, Warrior, Army Man, Soldier
AugustinoBoy Noble Strength, Noble
BanjaminoBoy Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict
BelarminoBoy A Son that Suspends the Waters, Furrow, Hill, Farmer's Son, Son of Talmai, Farmer or Son of the Earth
BeniaminoBoy Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict, Son of the Right Hand, Son of the South
BenignoBoy Kind, Friendly, Son of a Farmer, Both Surname and Given Name, Ploughman, Son of Talmai, Benign
BeninoBoy Of Honorable Birth, From the Land that was Burned
BennoBoy Blessed, Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict, Happy, Bear
BenzinoBoy The Ensnarer, One who Snares, Traps, Bound, Husband, Plait of Hair, Blessed
BernadinoBoy Administrator, Steward, Public Official, Man in Charge, Bailiff, In the Middle Ages a Bailiff was a Minor Officer of the Law, Able, Berry, Law Enforcer, Courtyard Within Castle Walls, Surname, Berry Clearing, City Fortification
BernardinoBoy Derived from the English Place Name, Bear
BrunoBoy Bird, Variant of Byrd, Like a Bird, Unusual Nature Name, Brown
CaetanoBoy A Place Name, From Caieta
CalvinoBoy Bald, Hairless, The Little Bald One
CamerinoBoy Gatherer, Place Name Unrelated to the Biblical Cain, Form of Cain, Spear Hunter
CarminoBoy Born of the Right Hand, Diminutive of Benjamin, Son, Blessed, Son of the South, Son of My Old Age, A Musical Instrument
CasinoBoy Place Name and Surname, Beautiful
CatalinoBoy Fortress, Lark, Lovely Flower, Most Beautiful, Variant of Cayley Lovely
CatarinoBoy From the Walled City, Place Name, The Fortified Tower, Carl's Island
CayetanoBoy From Cassandra, Prophetess, Pure
CeferinoBoy A Place Name
CelerinoBoy He who Guards the Treasure, The Treasurer, The Name of One of the Three Wise Men in the New Testament
CelestinoBoy Pure, Innocent, Torture, Heavenly
ChalinoBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChanoBoy Abbreviation for Name Ending in Ano
ChinoBoy Heavenly, Divine
ChristianoBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChristinoBoy Anointed, Anointed Christian, Form of Christopher, Christ-bearer, Beautiful Christian
CiprianoBoy From Cypres
CirinoBoy Beautiful Christian, Follower of Christ
ConoBoy Victory of the People, Young Boy, Abbreviation of Nicholas People's Victory, Young Creature, Victor, People's Victory, Cub, Pup, Dove, Oak Meadow
ConstantinoBoy Constant, Steadfast
CostantinoBoy Dweller in or Near a Hollow, Hill Hollow, Chosen, Raven, From the Round Hill or Hollow, Strong and Lively, Seething Pool, God's Servant, The Steadfast
CristianoBoy Bright, Beautiful, Christian
CristinoBoy From the Crane Valley
CupertinoBoy Maiden, Seething Pool
CyranoBoy Maiden, Seething Pool
DamianoBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname, Tame
DelanoBoy From the Cliff Land, Hilly Area, Lands of Cliffs, Slope Land
DelfinoBoy Place Name, Valley, Occupational Name, Church Official, Divine
DelinoBoy Place Name, Valley, Occupational Name, Church Official, Divine
DinoBoy An Expert with the Spear
DominoGirl Follower of Dionysius, Greek God of Wine
DonacianoBoy Belief, Guiding Principle
EduinoBoy Wealthy Friend
EinoBoy Bringer of Light, Illumination, Alone
EmilianoBoy Light, Nobility, All, Completely, Exalted, Sun Ray, Shining Light, Foreign, Famous Warrior, Imitating
EnedinoBoy Precious Green Gem Stone, Jewel Name, Emerald, Praise, The Prized Green Emerald Gemstone
EnnoBoy Old and Wise Adviser, Old, Old Leader, Sage Ruler, Low German, Frisian short form of names with "Egin" or "Agin" (Meaning: sword tip).
ErnestinoBoy Earnest
FabianoBoy Lawyer, Law's Friend, Bean
FaustinoBoy Lawyer, Law's Friend
FelicianoBoy The Lucky
FilomenoBoy Noble, Righteous
FlorentinoBoy Sunbeam, Fair-haired Courageous One, Fair Warrior, White Warrior, White Champion
FortinoBoy Form of Forrester, Of the Forest, Occupational Name, Woodsman, Place Name
GabinoBoy Sunbeam, Fair-haired Courageous One, Fair Warrior, White Warrior, White Champion
GaetanoBoy Prosperous, Flourishing, To Flower in the Sense of a Blossom, Blossoming, Charming, From Caieta
GaldinoBoy French Town, Curly Hair, Strawberry, Variant of Fraser of the Forest Men
GavinoBoy Of Gabium, Sunbeam, Fair-haired Courageous One, Fair Warrior, White Warrior, White Champion
GenoBoy Mighty with a Spear, To Watch, Spear Brave, Strength of the Spear, Bold Spear, Gentle
GermanoThe Teuton
GinoBoy Brave with the Spear, Spear Rule
GioacchinoBoy From Gill's Ford, Ford with Yellow Flowers, Yahweh Will Establish
GiordanoBoy From Gill's Ford, Ford with Yellow Flowers, The Descending
GiulianoBoy Will, Desire, Helmet, God's Protection, Will-helmet, Apple, Protection
GracianoBoy Happy Friend, Lighthearted Friend
GrazianoBoy Keeper of the Garden, Occupational Name, Gardener, Surname
GuerinoBoy Warrior, Brotherly, From Germany, Brother, Preserve
GuerrinoBoy Gray-haired, Preserve
GuistinoBoy Trusted, Shining Pledge, Pledge Bright
HerculanoBoy From the Hare's Valley
HerminoBoy From the Hare's Meadow, Meadow of the Hares, Female Version of Harley
IvanoBoy Bright Mind, Form of Hugh, Bright in Mind and Spirit, Yahweh Is Gracious
JenoBoy The Hand, Friend of God, Beloved by God, Beloved of God
JubentinoBoy God is Gracious, Son of Jack, He who Supplants, Diminutive of Jack
JulianoBoy Maker of Arrows, Arror Featherer
JuneauBoy/Girl From Hugh's Town, Place-name and Surname, American West Texan General Sam Houston, A City in Texas Usa, From the Settlement on the Hill of Hugh's Town
JunoBoy/Girl Youth, Downy-bearded, Youthful, Soft-haired, Jupiter's Child, Downy
JustinianoBoy Son of John, From John's Farm, Youth
JustinoBoy Son of John, From John's Farm
JuventinoBoy Son of John, From John's Farm
KanoBoy He will be Praised, Form of Judith, Admired, Jewish, A Women from Judea, Praise, Affectionate, Calm, Fair, Ocean, Pure, Sea, Slender, Tide, Free Man, Man, Strong and Manly
KaponoBoy The Good One, Mighty Warrior, Stream, Keeper of the Keys, Pure
KeinoBoy Just, Upright, Fair, Righteous
KinoBoy Dark Haired One, Ruler, County in Ireland, Dusky, Dark
KnoaBoy Handsome, Form of Kenneth, Sprung from Fire
KonstantinoBoy Fair Haired
LaureanoBoy From the Place of Laurel Trees
LaurentinoBoy Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LaurianoBoy From the Place of Laurel Trees
LinoBoy Lioness, Feminine of Leon, Brave as a Lioness, Mourn
LonginoBoy The Capital of the United Kingdom, Fierce Ruler of the World, Fortress of the Noon, From London, One from London
LucinoBoy Crowned with Laurels, Form of Lorenzo and Lawrence, Rushes, Sedges
LuiginoBoy From the Linden Tree Hill
ManoBoy Brave as a Lion, Abbreviation of Leonard, Lion-bold, God be with us, Passionate Lover, Shark, God Is With Us
ManojBoy Born of the Mind
MarcelinoBoy Sea of Bitterness, Abbreviation of Mary, Margaret and Miriam, Pearl, Bitter, Rebellious, Star of the Sea, Beloved
MarcellinoBoy From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
MarcianoBoy From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
MarianoBoy A Combination of Mary and Ann, Bitter, Sea of Bitterness, Rebelliousness, Wished for Child, Of the Clan Marius
MarinoBoy From the Hero's Meadow, Manly, Of The Sea
MarselinoBoy From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
MartinoBoy Dedicated to God Mars, Lady, From the God Mars, Dedicated
MassimilianoBoy From the Hill Near the Lake, Bitter, Variant of Marlene Woman from Magdala, Person from Magdala, Very Great
MaximilianoBoy Woman from Magdala, Bitter, High Tower, Of Italy, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Very Great
MaximinoBoy Woman from Magdala, Bitter, High Tower, Of Italy, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Very Great
MorenoBoy Fascinating, Charming, Beauteous, Attractive, Lord Murugan, Lord Krishna
NatalinoBoy Born on Christmas, Christ's Birthday, Natal Day, Form of Natalie, To be Born-from Natalia
NicolinoBoy Victorious, People's Victory, Conqueror of the People, Variant of Nicholas, Victory of the People
NinoBoy From the Wealthy Man's Mountain, From the Mount of the Rich Man, Mountain Belonging to the Ruler, Of the Mountain, From Montgomery, Italian short form of names with "Nino".
NoeBoy Rest
OctavianoBoy Newcomer
PasqualinoBoy Easter
PaulinoBoy Small, Humble, Female Version of Paul, Little
PellegrinoBoy Derived from a British Place Name, Homestead of Peotla, Traveller
PeppinoBoy From the Enclosure, Commander, He (God) Will Add
PierinoBoy Warrior's Town, From the Fighter's Farm, Patrician, Noble, Form of Patrick, Fighting Man's Estate, Royal, Village of the Warrior, Fighting-man's Estate, Farm of Poega, Peacock Town
PinoBoy Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous, He (God) Will Add
QuirinoBoy Fifth, Fifth Born Child
RanzinoBoy Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye, Face, Voice, Flower, A Diminutive of Penelope, Weaver, Queen
ReginoBoy A Town, Village, Warrior's Estate, Patrician, Noble, Form of Patrick, Royal, Noble Woman, Settlement of Poega, Peacock Town, Head, An Ethiopian Title, Loved, Desired, Sweet
RegnauldBoy Form of Reginald, Counsel Power
ReinoBoy Head of the Monastery
RejinoBoy Deserving, Little Famous One
RenaudBoy Red Haired Defender, Counsellor, Protector, Wise Protector, Wise Power, Advice
RenaultBoy Form of Reginald, Counsel Power
RenoBoy Reborn, Form of Reginald, Counsel Power, Rebirth, Peace
RinoBoy Ardent, Fiery
RomanoBoy Famous Land, Renowned in the Land, Form of Roland, Famed Throughout the Land, The Roman
RonaeGirl Red-headed, Red Haired, Ruddy Complexioned
RonaldinoBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Sweat Heart, A Star, Another Name of River Narmada, One who Snares, Lakshmi
RosalinoBoy Rules with Good Judgment, Counsel Power, Exalted, On High, Form of Veronica, True Image, Wise Ruler, Rules with Counsel, Strong Counsel, One who Brings Victory, Beautiful Rose
RosolinoBoy Bright Fame, Female Version of Robert, Famed, Shining, Robin
RossanoBoy King's Ford, Chieftain
RufinoBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, The Redheaded
SabatinoBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working
SabinoBoy Rose, Little Rose, Flower Name, Truthful, Kindness, Dew, Famous Guardian
SandinoBoy Fruit from Heaven, Conversations at Night, Evening Conversations, War, Message
SantinoBoy From the Sandy Ford
SaturninoBoy Red Haired, Headland, Surname, Wood, Rose, Holy, Sacred
SavinoBoy Peaceful, Variant of Shalom, Saint, Tranquillity, Peace
SebastianoBoy Sun Child, Bright Sun, From Sebaste
SebastinoBoy Alexander's Son, Man's Defender
SecundinoBoy Ardor, Ardent, Fiery, Zealous
SeferinoBoy Princess, Lady, Woman of High Rank, Pure, Happy
SelestinoBoy Defender of Man, Man's Defender
SerafinoBoy Blessed, From the Happy Meadow, Angel
SeverianoBoy Form of Sergio, Attendant, The Severe
SeverinoBoy Severe, River in England, Stern, Strict, Restrained, A Saint's Name, The Severe
SilvanoBoy From the Shady Grove, A Grove, Copse, Grove of Trees, Surname, Terse, Italian form of Silvan (meaning: Forest).
SilvinoBoy A Metal Element, White, The Color Silver, Silver
SnowGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Moon, Light, Shine, Heaven, Goddess of the Moon, Peaceful, Courteous, Fennel
StefanoBoy Star, Esther, Stella, Inspiring, The Crowned
StephanoBoy Star, Esther, Stella, Inspiring
TainoBoy Forest, From the Forest, Wood, Woman of the Wood
TanoBoy Gazelle, Roe, Beauty, Grace, Roe-buck, Small Deer, Reward, From Caieta
TaurinoBoy Roof Slater
TinoBoy Thor's Protection, The Strong
TizianoBoy Follower of Christ, Anointed, Strong, Healthy, By that, With that
TorainoBoy Praiseworthy
TorinoBoy Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Noted Protector, Similar to Rose, Horse, Fame, Pretty Rose
TranquilinoBoy Stony Meadow, From the Stony Village
TrevinoBoy Fair Town, Abbreviation of Trevelyan
TrinoBoy Stony Meadow, From the Stony Village
UrbanoBoy Shield Bearer, Knight's Companion, Urban
VainoBoy Shield Bearer, Knight's Companion
ValentinoBoy Shield Bearer, Knight's Companion, The Strong
ValerianoBoy God is My Light, My Light is Yahweh, The Healthy
VictorianoBoy Small, Little, Victor
VictorinoBoy Victorious, Conqueror, Victory, Conquer, Goddess of Victory
VivianoBoy Alive
WainoBoy Son of Vincent, Son of Vincent or Son of Conqueror
ZenoBoy Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M