Annaix is used as a family name or surname in many languages. It is 6 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Annaix
No. of characters: 6
Origin: Unknown
Meaning: Name worn in Brittany and Normandy. Alternative: Anneix. Could designate one who is from Anais, name of two towns des Charentes and a hamlet of Ille-et-Vilaine (Anais, municipality of Tremblay). One can also think of a diminutive of the first name Anne. But in fact it is the uncertainty that prevails for me.

How popular is Annaix?

Annaix is ranked 1175909 on our list.

Annaix is a very rare surname, few people in France have the family name and might be arised from France. Around 111 people have been found who wears Annaix as their family name. Annaix have bearers in just 1 or 2 countries. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
7,292 Vietnam1
Countries with hundreds of Annaix:
84,907 France110


Sonya Overby
Annaix is a surname derived from anne female Christian name which comes from the Hebrew Hannah meaning full of grace, graceful it could be at the origin of a nickname that evoked a physical characteristic.

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