Avdeeva is used as a family name or surname in Russia. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Avdeeva
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Russia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Avdeeva

How popular is Avdeeva?

Avdeeva is common in Russia.

Avdeeva is ranked 8799 on our list.

Avdeeva is quite popular family name mostly used in Russia while Belarus is ahead in terms of density. Around 61319 people have been found who wears Avdeeva as their family name. Avdeeva is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
108,034 Italy3
41,879 Turkey2
50,640 Switzerland2
34,681 Norway2
10,211 Bulgaria2
20,595 China2
35,969 Denmark2
7,299 Estonia2
219,873 France2
42,479 Greece1
118,015 Netherlands1
37,779 Serbia1
38,830 Morocco1
56,169 Mexico1
25,721 Egypt1
810,193 Indonesia1
289,511 England1
16,283 Lithuania1
25,746 Finland1
12,270 Lebanon1
120,357 Argentina1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
37,982 United Arab Emirates23
9,426 Azerbaijan22
73,929 Spain21
124,653 Canada20
14,062 Georgia18
599,698 United States18
14,048 Ireland16
6,479 Armenia12
Countries with hundreds of Avdeeva:
840 Turkmenistan829
3,984 Tajikistan203
3,350 Moldova171
7,843 Kyrgyzstan104
Countries with thousands of Avdeeva:
519 Ukraine8,143
268 Belarus2,988
1,455 Uzbekistan2,799
866 Kazakhstan2,102
Countries with ten thousands of Avdeeva:
322 Russia43,799
Show Full Last Name Distribution

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