Chamieh is used as a family name or surname in Lebanon. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Chamieh
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Lebanon
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Chamieh

How popular is Chamieh?

Chamieh is ranked 328081 on our list.

Chamieh is a very rare surname, few people in Lebanon have the family name and might be arised from Lebanon. Around 878 people have been found who wears Chamieh as their family name. Chamieh have bearers in many countries around the world. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
10,284 Kuwait2
8,371 Syria1
10,190 Bahrain1
279,271 Australia1
6,820 Angola1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
29,383 United Arab Emirates31
8,720 Qatar29
619,004 United States17
155,219 England16
171,702 Canada12
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
93,642 France98
Countries with hundreds of Chamieh:
1,098 Lebanon669

Chamieh Namesakes

  • Roula Chamieh, Comedian

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