Daubenberger is used as a family name or surname in many languages. It is 12 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Daubenberger
No. of characters: 12
Origin: Unknown
Meaning: Means the person who comes from a place called Daubenberg, toponym met including Moselle (town Rémering). Meaning: the mountains, the hill (Berg) pigeon (Taub), or the mountain of the one called Daub (qv). Note also forms Daubenfeld, Daubenfeldt, Daubenfelldt, Daubenfild (= field pigeon?), Which could refer to a place called Daubenfeld in Phalsbourg (57)

How popular is Daubenberger?

Daubenberger is ranked 679865 on our list.

Daubenberger is a very rare surname, few people in Germany have the family name and might be arised from Germany. Around 296 people have been found who wears Daubenberger as their family name. Few people around the world have Daubenberger as their surname. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
277,603 France1
81,201 Switzerland1
15,162 Costa Rica1
Countries with hundreds of Daubenberger:
59,024 Germany168
159,410 United States125

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