The history of Ecuadorian last names is an interesting one. While many of the country's residents have Spanish surnames, there are also a number of indigenous last names. The majority of these indigenous names come from the Quechua language, which is still spoken by many people in Ecuador today.

There are a few theories about how the use of last names began in Ecuador. One theory suggests that Spanish settlers introduced last names to the country. Another theory suggests that indigenous people started using last names as a way to distinguish themselves from others in their community. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that last names have played an important role in Ecuadorian history.

Today, many Ecuadorians still use their traditional last names. However, there has been a trend in recent years for people to adopt more "Spanish sounding" surnames. This is likely due to the growing influence of Spanish culture in Ecuador. Whatever the reason, it's clear that last names are an important part of Ecuadorian identity.

Have a look at the following Ecuadorian last names.

Abedrabbo Abeiga Achig Achilie Achina Acurio Aguaiza Aguaysa Aguinda Aguiza Aillon Aispur
Alava Alban Alcivar Aldean Allauca Alvear Ampudia Anda Antepara Apuntes Aranea Arpi Arregui Ashca Astudillo Atauchi Aucay Aules Aulestia Aulla Aushay Avegno Aveiga Averos Ayabaca Aycart Azas Azuero Banderas Baque Bermeo Betancourt Betancourth Bolona Burbano Buri
Caguana Caiza Cajas Calero Calisto Camposano Campoverde Canarte Cando Capa Carvache Carvallo Celi Cercado Cevallos Chamba Chamorro Chele Cherrez Chila Chimbo Chiriboga Criollo Cuero Donoso Drouet Duchi Dutan Egas Eguez Eguiguren Espin Espinales Estefania Fabara Feraud Filian Florencia Gabilanes Gaibor Gaibort Ganchala Garate Gavidia Gavilanes Gaybor Giler Gonzabay
Gortaire Grefa Gualinga Guana Guarderas Haboud Hasing Herreria Hidrovo Holguin Huisha Idrovo Illingworth Intriago Jacome Jarrin Jervis Jibaja Karolys Lalama Lanas Landin Larrea Laso Layana Lecaro Lema Litardo Lizano Llaguno Llerena Loaiza Loor Ludena Martillo Maruri Mediavilla Mencias Merchan Mero Mestanza Monar Moncayo Morocho Muentes Muzo Narea Navas Nicolalde Noboa Obaco Obando Ocles Ojeda Olalla Ormaza Orna Paspuel Pazmino Penafiel Penaherrera Perero Perlaza Pesantez Pico Piedra Pilay Pilco Pincay Pinela Pogo Portero Pruna Quirola Ramon Recalde Riofrio Rivadeneira Rodas Salavarria Santillan Santistevan Saona Sarasti
Sellan Sempertegui Sevillano Sisalema Tama Tamariz Terreros Tierra Toaquiza Travez Troya Tubon Ubidia Ubillus Uchuari Ullauri Urgiles Usina Uttermann Uyaguari

Last Names by Countries

Afghans Algerian Albanian Angolan Argentines Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bangladeshi Belarusian Belgian Benin Bolivian Bosniak Brazilian British Bulgarian Burkinab Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Croatian Czech Congolese Danish Dominican Republic Ecuadorian Egyptian Ethiopian Finn French Georgian German Ghanaian Greek Guatemalan Hungarian Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Japanese Kazakh Kenyan Latvian Lebanese Lithuanian Macedonian Malaysian Mexican Moroccan Mozambican Nepali Netherland Nigerian Norwegian Pakistani Peruvian Filipino Polish Portugese Romanian Russian Saudi Arabian Serbian Slovak Slovenes South African Spanish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss Syrian Tanzanian Tunisian Turkish Ugandan Ukrainian US-American Uzbek Venezuelan Vietnamese Zambian Zimbabwean