Kabaeva is used as a family name or surname in Russia. It is 7 characters long in length.

Family Name / Last Name: Kabaeva
No. of characters: 7
Origin: Russia
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Kabaeva

How popular is Kabaeva?

Kabaeva is common in Russia.

Kabaeva is ranked 92989 on our list.

Kabaeva is quite popular family name mostly used in Russia while Kyrgyzstan is ahead in terms of density. Around 4582 people have been found who wears Kabaeva as their family name. Kabaeva is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
1,189,846 United States4
59,967 Moldova4
3,689 Turkmenistan3
32,472 Azerbaijan3
41,879 Turkey2
20,035 Uzbekistan2
10,683 Cyprus1
62,864 New Zealand1
25,746 Finland1
50,549 Georgia1
448,262 Canada1
153,416 Italy1
47,891 Norway1
1,572 Macau1
Countries with hundreds of Kabaeva:
3,956 Kazakhstan653
15,237 Ukraine373
2,986 Kyrgyzstan335
9,074 Belarus169
Countries with thousands of Kabaeva:
6,246 Russia3,026

Kabaeva Namesakes

  • Alina Kabaeva, Russian Politician
  • Lyubov Kabaeva, Alina Kabaeva's mother

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