Famous people named Astrid

✍  Updated on: March 15th, 2023

List of 29 Famous people whose name is Astrid or celebrities named Astrid or famous persons named Astrid.

Astrid Kirchherr in as Photographer, Artist
Astrid Carolina Herrera in Morena Clara as Actress
Astrid Lindgren in Ronja Rövardotter as Children's Author
Astrid Bergès-Frisbey in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides as Actress
Astrid of Sweden in as Queen consort of the Belgians
Astrid Kumbernuss in as German shot and discus thrower
Astrid S in as Norwegian, Singer
Astrid Yunadi in as Miss Indonesia
Astrid Klisans in as Blogger
Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen in as Skier
Astrid Bryan in Episode #1.11 as Producer
Astrid Ovalles in Camp Belvidere as Actress
Astrid Whettnall in Au nom du fils as Actress
Astrid Heeren in The Thomas Crown Affair as Actress
Astrid Allwyn in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington as Actress
Astrid Gruber in Sirena as Actress
Astrid Frank in Au Pair Girls as Actress
Astrid Gifford in Frank Gifford as
Astrid M. Fünderich in Unter der Sonne as Actress
Astrid Boner in Wie sag ich's meinem Kinde? as Actress
Astrid Warner in Days of Our Lives as Actress
Astrid Veillon in Swordfish as Actress
Astrid Neal in Shibubu as Writer
Astrid Plane in Steele Justice as Actress
Astrid Knoop in Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo as Actress
Astrid Kohrs in Endstation as Actress
Astrid Jaymes in No Boys Allowed 3 as Actress
Astrid Chi Ching Chan in Tie ying sha ji as Actress
Astrid Posner in Vorsicht Schwiegermutter! as Actress

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