Arabic baby names

Updated: April 9th, 2024

Arabic baby names does not contain a given, middle, and last name; rather they have a chain of names consisting of a number of different parts which includes the "ism" which is a given or first name; "nasab" which indicates heritage; laqab which is descriptive of the person and can be a nickname, title, surname, or family name; nisbah which is a surname; and kunya which a type of epithet referring to the bearer's first-born son or daughter.

Generally, the ism or given name is a word that has a meaning in Arabic for a noun or adjective and many times it refers to character. Arabic people not only concerned with the meaning of a name but also with how it sounds and for then the naming process is an art or type of poetry. Most common Arabic baby names are Zaki, Nasir, Zahra, and Laila.

Below is the list of 13000 contemporary as well as traditional Arabic baby names. Have a look!

Dark Beauty, Born at Night, Intoxication, Wine
The Praiseworthy, Greatly Praised, Name of the Last Prophet
Molded From, Humanity, A Prophet's Name, Man of Earth
Saviour, Splendid, Owner of a New Home, Bright
Exalted One, To Ascend, Bright, Tall
Leader, Rich, Emir, Strong
Seductive, Divine Play, Dark Haired Beauty, From the Island
Son of Cadán, Friend
Radiance, Flower, Blossom, Womenn of Jannah (Heaven)
Form of Muhammad Praised One, Filled with Praise, The Praiseworthy
Little Fire, Help, Fiery, Superabundance
Wealthy Princess, Who Holds the Command, Proverb, Leader
Bluish, Night Beauty, Free Will of God, From the Island
Light Hearted, Great Talker, Pleasant and Bright, Measure of Land
Grace, Handsome, Beauty, Beautiful
An Era, Follower of the Prophet, Long-Living, Expressive
Purity, Pastime, Night, Lioness
Elevated, God, Sublime, Lofty
Night, Black, Seductive, Lovelorn
Dark Blue, Achiever, Winner, Combination of N and Isla
Baby's Nurse, The Weaning, Young Camel, Abstillende
Son of Cadán, Companion
My Father is Exalted, Earth a Prophets Name, Abraham
Beloved or Someone to be Loved, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, Tuberose
The Prophet of Islam, Glorified, Praiseworthy, Highly Praised
Blessed, Sweetheart, Beloved, Night Beauty
Victorious One
Charming, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Honourable Comrade, Good Friend
Origin, Variants, Blessing of God, Without a Superior
Happiness, Living, Wife of Prophet Muhammad, She is Life
God Would Multiply, A Prophet's Name, He Shall Add to his Power, The Lord Increases
Trusted, The Truthful, Who is Confident and Enjoys the Divine Safeguard, Honest
Master, Ruling, Chieftain, Wave
Dark Blue
Moses in English, Son, A Prophets Name
Announcer, Granting Victory, Protector, Assister
The Lord is Gracious, Beauty
Glorified, Filled with Praise, No Mistake in his Character, Founder of Islamic Religion
Sun-Like, Moonlight, Moon
The Flower, Light Breeze, Princess, Blossom
Commander, Prince, Colonel, Leader
Descendent of Rian, Clever, Fragrant Herb, Fresh
Good, The Lord is Gracious, Variant of Zane or John, Beautiful
Lion, Sour Leaves, Brave, Steadfast
Trustworthy, Belief, Faithful
A Flower, Sea of Bitterness, Tuberose, Rebelliousness
Much Praised, Gift of Allah, Praiseworthy, Most Rented
Spring season, One who shows the path, Faith
Name of Prophets Daughter, Desert Tree
Garden, Strong, Tender, Pledge
Flourishing, High born, Long-living
Lord of Fiery, Study, Impulsive, A Prophet's Name
A Prophets Name, John, God is Gracious, To Give Someone a Long Life
Strong, White Flower, Herrin, The Bright Light
Angel, Attribute of Allah, Light
Most Highly Adored, Much Praised, More Praiseworthy, Commendable
Black Beauty, Companion of the Night, Wine, Nocturnal
Servant of Allah, One who Serves the God, God's Servants
Protector, Forehead, All, Noble
Sweetheart, Darling, Ka-, Aaliyah
Handsome, Beauty
Handsome, Beauty
Growth, Super Abundance, To Increase, Superabundance
Tender, Beloved Daughter
Emir, Friend, To Command, Prince
Queen, Sarah
Laughter, Good, Beautiful, Lord Chandra
Prophet Muhammad, Elected, Mustafa, Elect of God
Night Talk, Entertainer, Companion of Vigil, Jovial
Wife of the Prophet Mohammed, Born Prematurely, Premature Child
Kind, Beneficent, Exalted, Precious and Distinguished
Praised and Commendable, The Name of the Prophet, Praiseworthy, Glorified
Great, Growth, Prosperity, Increase
Solicitude, Concern, Gift of Allah, Care
Roman, Romana
Prince, Lucky, Fortunate, Always In Control
Jasmine, A Flower Name, Inspired By the Same Ornamental Plant, Sweet Smelling
Highest Social Standing, The Ascent, Ascending, Noble
Pure, Clean, Bright, Wish
Verses In the Quran, Miracle, Sign of God, Royal
In the Moon, Benefit
Prayer, Please, Blessing
Pleasant Community, Enchanting, A Chame, Cool Breeze
God has shown favour, Brilliance of stone, Goddess Durga, Mercy
Beauty, Dawn, Aurora, Whiteness
Strong Women, Eastern Brightness, Srong, Blossom
Precious and Distinguished, Friendly, High-born, Exalted
Proper Name, Affluence, Ease, Wealth
Gate of Heaven, Beautiful, Full, Pretty
The Lord Helps Me or Salvation of God, Strong-willed, A Prophet's Name, God's Promise
Purity, Eternal, Pure, Rock
Form of Joseph, He (God) Will Add, Jehovah Increases
Unspoiled, Beloved One, Perfectly Healthy, Beautiful Woman
Eternal, Never-ending, Blessed, Glorious
Unlike the Others
Small One, Living, Prophet Mohammads Wife, Life
Sound Judgement, Good Judgment, Cub, Gathering
Servant, God's Servants, Knowledge
Flowering, Longevity, Who has Long Live, Variant of Omar
The Trustworthy, Honest, Faithful
Helper, Persian Poet, Help, Another Name for God
Indian Saint In 1440, The Great
Beautiful Flower, Ethiopian
Night, Night Beauty
Bustard Fledgling, Footprint, Divine Protector, Young Snake
Distinguished, Moonlight, Noble, Comfort
Lofty, Supreme, High, Noble
One who has Honor, Noble
Empire, Beauty of the Stars, Good, Star
Rich, Superior, Prince, Chief
High-born Girl, Beloved Princess Amyra
God will Listen, The Biblical Ishm, A Prophet, Farsi for Ishmael
Lion, Famous
Strong, Powerful, Prosperity, Beautiful
The Handsome, The Beautiful
Wolf River, Plenty, Valley of the Wolves
He Enlightens
In the Bible Jericho was a Canaan City Destroyed when Its Walls Fell Down
The Biblical Elijah is the English Language Equivalent
New House, Blessing, Saviour
Elegant, Being Fair, Handsome, Elegance
He who is on the Right, Blessed, Lucky, Righteous
Believer, Faith
Satisfying Thirst, Water, The Prophets Person Calling Prayer, Moistening
Name of Prophet's Daughter, Beautiful
Perfect, Complete, Flawless
The Other Three were Aisha, Khadijah, And Mary, Variant of Fatima
Happy, Encampment, Pleased, Resting Place
The Dove, A Prophet's Name
Desire, Loving, Air, Longing
Friendliness, Happiness, Friendliness, Affection, Indestructible
One of the Prophet Muhammads Names, Sura In Quran
Look, Praise, Splendor, Old
The Flower, Princess, Eastern Brightness, Dawn
Laughter, Good Looking, Handsome, Lord Chandra
Gift of God, Bright, Speed
Keeper of the Keys, Pure
Free, Night Travel, An Independent Man
Merciful, Kind, God is Compassionate
Read, Study
Console, The Muslim Wife of Pharaoh, One who Tends to the Weak and Heals, Nurse
Faith, Faithful, Belief
Judicious, Ruler, Intelligent, Brother
Mildness, Clemency, Patient, Merciful
Grain, Splendour, To Tremble, Light
Rebelliousness Wished for Child, Midwife, Great Mother, Princess of the Sea
Untroubled, Pure, Best Friend, Safiya
The Word Ali Which is of the Meaning High Lofty Sublime, Sky, Heaven, Loftiness
Night, Dark-haired Beauty, Sweetheart
From Kikuyu, God Saves, The Messiah, God's Promise
Traveller, Lovely, Fair, Beautiful
Achiever, Attainer
Star, Flower, Beauty
Dark Forest, Jungle
Gaiety, Joyful, Joy, Happiness
Shine, Inspired By the Same Ornamental Plant, Precious Stone, Jasmine
Fragrant Plant, Rock, Al Marwa is One of the Hill In City Mecca, A Mountain in Meccah
Gentle, Comforts of Wealth, Easy, Wealthy
Peaceful, A Prophets Name
Protector Advice, Loving, Archer, The Shooter
Achiever, Obtainer, Attainer, Obtained
Water Lady
Ruler, Governor, Sultan, Sovereign
Saint, The Founder of Shiite Islam was Named Hussein, Good, Beautiful
Zachary, Father of John, Yahweh Remembers
Divine law and order, Desire, Life
Maiden, Lips
Splendour, Claret, Dazzling Personality, Glow
Dark Beauty, Born at Night
Gift, Present
Messenger, Angelic, Angel
From the Bank, Lake Colony
Strong, Powerful, Lightning, Noble
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