Baby Care articles

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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: August 3rd, 2017
Have you ever felt like packing things for the baby has no end, and again, when you get where you're going, realized that you'd forgotten something? Although it seems like an easy and quick job, sometimes it's quite exhausting. It would be a good idea to make a checklist, so you could check if everything is packed. Things That You Must Always Have with Yourself! There are these things that you need every day, and there's no need to pull them out of your diaper bag. Just don't forget to check your supplies regularly.
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by Casey AndersonPosted on: August 1st, 2017
July, the heart of summer. The heat of summer too in most places. And everyone in all those hot places is looking for a way to cool off. One of the most common ways for many people is the swimming pool. Who doesn’t in enjoy a cold, refreshing dip in the pool? But with that chill relaxation comes a few things to be cautious of, especially if you’re swimming with young children, or if they’re swimming around you. A lot of people worry about drowning in lakes or oceans, but the majority of drowning incidents happen in pools.
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by Casey AndersonPosted on: July 23rd, 2017
You've worked really hard on raising your kids right, healthy homemade food, good manners, great hygiene, all the things. But sometimes, for a social event or just to get out of the house, you like to go out to eat at restaurants. Whether you are meeting a friend, with your significant other or just going with you and your child. This is ok. You can't stay in the house ALL the time. It's okay to take a break and get out there. And if like many parents, you don't have an "at the ready" babysitter, then it's also okay to take your child to a restaurant.
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: July 22nd, 2017
Work from home has many benefits, so it's no surprise that every day more and more people decide to replace their full-time jobs with freelance careers. But how does it all look like when a newborn baby arrives at your home? How difficult is it to balance between work, home and a family? How to find time for yourself? With good organization, everything is possible, and this would be some basic principles. Schedule Your Chores Perhaps, in the beginning, this may seem like an impossible mission, but soon you'll get into a routine.
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: July 19th, 2017
Babywearing is a practice of wearing or carrying either a baby or a toddler in one of a variety of types of baby carriers (wrap, ring sling, mei tai, soft structured carrier...). Although it has many benefits for both children and caregivers, it still hasn't gained enough popularity in modern societies. Anyone who cares for a newborn or a toddler could practice babywearing - parents, grandparents, siblings, nannies... A large selection of carriers allows everyone to find the one according to their own taste and budget, in order to be convinced of some of the many benefits of babywearing.
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: July 16th, 2017
Even though each child develops at an individual pace, age-range information is important for your child's safety. You can find this information on a packaging of each toy. Here are some guidelines for choosing adequate toys for a particular stage of development. Newborns need toys they can look at or reach for, hold or shake, make noise with or listen to... even the ones they can suck on or bite. You should choose toys that are bright-colored or with the high-contrast patterns since your baby's vision is not sufficiently developed.
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: June 26th, 2017
When traveling with a baby, it's important to always be prepared. Whether you buy a first-aid kit that's already been packed or you put together your own supplies, these are the things you might need for dealing with minor medical problems while traveling with a baby. Keep in mind that at the location you're traveling to may be a language barrier or brand names in the local pharmacy might be entirely different from the ones you use at home. Always check the packaging of each medicine to make sure it's suitable for your baby.
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by Casey AndersonPosted on: June 13th, 2017
Having a baby is scary, hard work. In labor your focus is on getting a healthy bundle of joy out of your womb and into the world. Once that happens however, you'll probably have a million questions, especially if you're a first time mom. Because at this point, you're no longer pregnant, you are now, A Mother. And transitioning from "I'm going to be a mom" to "Oh my god I'm a mom" can be pretty intense. Luckily in most cases you will have a knowledgeable and friendly nurse or midwife around to help answer questions. However, in case you don't here are some of the top things moms wonder after they've given birth?
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: June 8th, 2017
Nobody can tell you the right time when your baby will start teething and get her first tooth, but there are some signs that can help you notice these changes. It's important that you notice the signs, so you can try to help your baby to relieve the teething pain and discomfort. Baby's teeth usually come in pairs. You could expect for the first pair to appear as early as three months or as late as fourteen, depending on different factors (when did baby's parents get their first teeth and if your baby is a preemie or not since preemies start teething later)
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by Ivana StamenkovicPosted on: June 3rd, 2017
Whether you're buying brand new or using second-hand baby equipment, you should always have baby's safety in mind. And remember that the price does not always guarantee the quality. - Check if there have been any recalls on those items. - Remove and discard all plastic wrapping materials, foam, staples and ties. A child can suffocate or choke on these things. - Follow the instructions provided with the equipment when putting it up. Don't use the product if you cannot set it up as described in the instructions.
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