Baby Naming articles

Blog > Articles on Baby Naming
by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: July 16th, 2019
The American naming culture is heavily influenced by the pop culture, celebrity lifestyle, and trends. Most American moms name their children after the people they admire and the things that inspire them. The millennial naming culture has seen American moms name their children after their favorite foods, places, personalities, and countries.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: January 1st, 2019
Picking a name for the baby is one of the most daunting tasks for the new moms. The process is usually made complicated by the fact that there are so many choices of names out there for the mothers to pick from. Moreover, many baby-naming sites bombard the new moms with numerous choices without an appropriate guideline for choosing the most suitable names for their newborns. Hence, most of them settle on the first name they come across as long as the name is elegant and popular.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: December 12th, 2018
The Japanese usually have two names, the given name, and the surname. Like the Chinese, the surname comes before the given name. Contrary to the conventional naming patterns, the Japanese do not have a middle name. Therefore, the new Japanese moms are usually only concerned with how to come up with suitable first names for their babies. The Japanese people mostly refer to their children by their surnames.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: December 1st, 2018
From the moment the doctor pronounces a woman pregnant, she begins operating under certain rules. Many moms would want to believe that most of these rules end at delivery. However, there is one very important set of rules that the mothers should observe. This is the baby naming rules.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: November 26th, 2018
China is considered one of the nations with the most outstanding cultures in the world. Chinese culture spans centuries back into time. The conservative nature of the Chinese has ensured that their cultural norms remain intact amid intense cultural interactions across the world.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: November 23rd, 2018
The Hispanic-Americans mostly follow the naming customs that have long been practiced in Spain. This culture is shared among all the Hispanic groups spread across the world, especially in South America. Like any other culture, the Hispanics begin with given names.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: November 19th, 2018
The diverse culture and the freedom of naming have given rise to a lot of creativity in coming up with great first names for American children. American families view names as a way of expressing personality, cultural values, creativity, and identity.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: November 10th, 2018
The Jewish culture attaches significance to the names picked for the infants. The culture provides guidelines for every Jewish family on how to come up with meaningful names for the babies. The Jewish race is one of the most spread out races in the world having been scared over Europe before the Holocaust.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: November 1st, 2018
Names define who we are. Hence, each society had a special attachment to the names they give to their children. Hindus have one of the richest cultures in the world. Most of the Hindu culture is still intact even today. Namkara-naming ceremony- is one of the most highly venerated Hindu rituals. This day is defined by the traditional naming procedures that must be observed by the parents and the whole family.
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by Elizabeth HendersonPosted on: October 28th, 2018
The Native American naming tradition was used to promote values. The names were drawn mostly from nature. These people found every aspect of nature fascinating and this influenced their naming traditions. According to this society, our human nature is reflective of our natural environment. Some people are like the lakes, they change very little as they grow.
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