Names that mean Graceful

Updated: June 5th, 2024

Seeking a name that captures the elegance and poise you wish for your little one? How about names that mean 'graceful'? We've assembled a selection of baby names that mean 'graceful' that might just pique your interest.

Take Hanna, a name of Hebrew origin that signifies 'grace', or Ansel, a Germanic name implying 'God's protection', often associated with graceful divine care.

A graceful name is more than just a moniker, isn't it? It's a wish for your child to navigate life's challenges with poise and dignity, to embody elegance in their character and their actions.

If you resonate with this thought, why not delve into our list of baby names that mean 'graceful'? Who knows, your baby's graceful name might be nestled among our choices.

Gender : Sort by :
Easy to Love, Grace, The Form Annabelle Became, Anna
Graceful, Lovable, Beloved, Gentle Kind
Messenger, Shine of Glory, God is Merciful, Beautiful
Lovable, Gentle, Handsome, Beloved
Lion, Jewel, Inspired By a Place Name, Clearing
God is My Judge, Meadow, Glade, Wood
A Small Strong Graceful Woman
A Bud, Artistic, The Great Goddess, Graceful
Plum, Inspired By a Place Name, Fair-haired Courageous One, Case
Beauty, Sweet, Graceful, Pleasure
Merry, Mother of Jesus Christ, River, Lady
Grain, Favour and Grace, God is Gracious, Graceful
Eagle, He (God) Was Gracious, Mercy, Grace
Above All, Enjoyment, Pleasure, Pleasantness
Dawn, Light, Clear, Graceful Strength
Skill, Animated, Struggle, The Olive
As Graceful As a Gazelle
Blessed Poetry, Dark, Priceless, Black
Loved One, Handsome, Graceful, Comely
God is Merciful, Beautiful, Graceful
Graceful, English, Beautiful, God is Merciful
Graceful, Beautiful, God is Merciful
The Elements Caomh Meaning Fair Comely Gentle, Beloved, Loved One, Handsome
Bright, Clear, Intelligent, Graceful Strength
He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful, Favour, Pure
Handsome, Loved One, Comely, Lovable
Grace, Graceful, Friendly, God has Favoured Me
We will stand together and I do as I promise
Fair-haired Courageous One, Meadow of the Sheep, Lion, Graceful
Weary, Lion-man, Lion-bold, Inspired By a Place Name
Graceful, Little Gentle One, Lovable, Beloved
A Graceful Lily
Name of a King, God has Shown Favour, Earth and Water, Charm
Earth and Water, Name of a King, Graceful, Wisdom
Name of a Place, Deer Hunter or Archer, Priceless, Favour
A Small Strong Graceful Woman
A Small Strong Graceful Woman
Daughter of an oath
River, Meadow of the Sheep, Lion, Clearing
Clearing, Poet, Glade, Meadow
A Small Strong Graceful Woman
Foot soldier and grace
Alive and well
God's Favor, Favour, Charm, Mercy
Weary, Stem End of the Meadow, Clearing, Helpful
He who Hears God has Heard, Wisdom, From Saint Denis, Silver Silver-Haired
He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful
Anna, Graceful Rose, Favor, Flower
The Graceful, Thank You, Grace, Charm
Dawn, Little
Slim Woman, Graceful
Grace, Mercy, He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful
The Graceful, The Beautiful
Graceful, Wisdom, Anne, Sophie
Earth and Water, Wife, Eagle, Winsome
Heavenly, Graceful
Tradition, Form of Anna, He (God) Was Gracious, Friendly
Thank You, The Element Gratus Meaning Pleasing, Graceful
Graceful, Disciple of Christ, Food, Anointed
Name of a Flower, Gracious, Practical, Kind
Favour, Gracious, Auspicious Mahurat, Grace
Glory, Majestic, Majesty, Dignity
Diminutive of Ann, Strong, Beautiful Eyes, Darling
Graceful Lady, Woman
Life, Right, Alive, Loud
Well-Behaved Child, The Graceful, A Quiet
Variant of Hebrew Hannah, Grace, He (God) Was Gracious, Mercy
Nice Body, Graceful, Victory
Good Looking, Honest, Attractive, Handsome
The Word Vivus with the Meaning Alive Lively, Form of Sophie, Famous, Olive Tree
Alive and well
Sister, Brotherly, From the Same Blood, He (God) Was Gracious
A Metal Element, White, Form of Sophie, Wisdom
Wisdom, Originating In Sidon, Form of Sophie, Skill
Graceful, Form of Sophie, Skill, Wisdom
Bountiful, Virtuous, Graceful, Kind
The Word Hold Which is of the Meaning Fair Lovely Graceful, Loyalty, Wiesel, Madam
A Bud, Goddess Parvati, Wisdom, Knowledge
Graceful Power, Domination, Loving
The Zen, Graceful
Master, Graceful or Flow of Water, Sun, Knowledge
Anna, Graceful Rose, Gracious, Favor
Graceful, Gratus
Favour and Grace, Name of a King, He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful
Gracious, Rosa, Compound of Rose and Anne, Favor
Seirios, Graceful , Delicate, Slender
Graceful Woman, A Charming
Grace, English, Brotherly Love, Act of Kindness
Laurel Wreath, Native of Larissa, Bright, Protection
Charm, God's Favor, Good will, Thank You
Grace, Graceful, Arn, Mercy
Gracious, Friendly, Mercy, Lily
Elegant, Shining, Splendid, Graceful
Friendly, Gracious, Priceless, Grace
Favor, Compound of Rose and Anne, Anna, Grace
Elegant Graceful, Comely, Beautiful, Variant of Jamila
Graceful, Disciple of Christ, Food, Anointed
Compound of Rose and Anne, Flower, Gracious, Anna
Graceful, Connoisseur, Elegant
Eagle, God, Adler, Rule
Graceful, He (God) Was Gracious
From the Wide Island, White, Graceful, Silver
Grace, He (God) Was Gracious, Favor, Graceful
The Graceful
The Word Kharis Which is of the Meaning Grace Kindness, Cherry, Charity, Affection
Dear, Beloved, Sweet, Dear, Graceful
God's Flavour, Favor, Graceful, Grace
Gratus, Graceful
Beautiful, Box Tree, Graceful, Box-tree
Graceful, Grace
God has Favoured Me, Favour, Gracious, Lily
Little Frenchwoman, Lovely and Graceful, The Word Kharis Which is of the Meaning Grace Kindness, English
Cherry, Lovely and Graceful, Kindness, Brotherly Love
Fight, He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful, Favour
Beautiful, Graceful, God is Merciful
Wisdom, Graceful
Brotherly Love, Charity, Grace, Lovely and Graceful

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