Names that mean Lofty

Updated: June 5th, 2024

Are you in search of a name that stands high, symbolizing grandeur and nobility? Have you considered names that mean 'lofty'? We've put together a diverse list of baby names that mean 'lofty'.

How about Brenna, a name of Gaelic origin that signifies 'little drop of water', often associated with a lofty, towering waterfall, or Altair, an Arabic name that means 'the flying one', resonating with lofty heights.

A 'lofty' name brings to mind images of soaring heights, of peaks that touch the clouds, doesn't it? Doesn't it reflect the limitless potential you envision for your child?

If you're looking for a name that will inspire your little one to aim for the stars, our list of baby names that mean 'lofty' could be just the place to start. So why not dive in and explore these lofty names for your future high-flier?

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Heritage of the Ancestors, Obedient, His Name is God, Ancestor
Light Bringer, He Who Comes After, Blessed One, High Mountain
Exalted High, Powerful as an Eagle, Prevail, He Who Comes After
Eagle and Elder, Tall, The Enlightened, Lofty
From the Moor Town, Similar, Another Name for God, Supreme
God, Defender of Mankind, Light, Exalted One
The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil, Light Bringer, He Who Comes After
Listener, Youth, Noble, Another Name for God
Prevail, Exalted One, High Mountain, Lofty
Lofty, He Who Comes After, The Enlightened, Prevail
Sublime, His Name is God, Lofty, Exalted
His Name is God, Friend of Horses, High, Supreme
Similar, Who is Like God, Sami, Elevated
Sami, Another Name for God, Sublime, Beautiful
Lofty, Adler, Exalted High, Light Bringer
He Who Comes After, Blessed One, Powerful as an Eagle, Adler
Powerful as an Eagle, Enlightened One, High in Hebrew, Adler
High in Hebrew, Light Bringer, Eagle Ruler, The Enlightened
The Enlightened, He Who Comes After, High Mountain, Adler
Wise, Respectable, Lofty, Forceful
Tall, Lofty, Garland in Tamil, Enlightened One
Obedient, Elevated, Lofty, Sami
Blessed One, Light Bringer, Eagle Power, Exalted High
Light Bringer, Tall, He Who Comes After, High Mountain
Persian Poet, Lofty, Sparkling, Help
Exalted One, Eagle, Garland in Tamil, High Mountain
Exalted High, The Enlightened, Adler, Blessed One
Listener, Elevated, Sami, Yahweh is Gracious
Adler, Eagle and Elder, Garland in Tamil, High Mountain
His Name is God, Listener, Exalted, Elevated
House and King, All Hearing, Noble, Sami
Eagle, Enlightened One, Exalted High, Garland in Tamil
Protector, Gentleness, Mildness, Amyntor
Garland in Tamil, Tall, Eagle Power, Lofty
Lofty, He Who Comes After, The Enlightened, Prevail
Elevated, Noble, Similar, Exalted
Victory of the People, Elevated, Another Name for God, Exalted
Powerful as an Eagle, Enlightened One, High in Hebrew, Adler
Exalted One, He Who Comes After, Adler, Eagle
He Who Comes After, Light Bringer, Tall, High Mountain
Eagle Power, Enlightened One, Garland in Tamil, Adler
Light Bringer, Enlightened One, Garland in Tamil, Lofty
Eagle and Elder, Light Bringer, Exalted One, Lofty
Lofty, Blessed One, Tall, High in Hebrew
Eagle Power, Adler, The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil
Another Name for God, Similar, Supreme, Lofty
Tall, High Mountain, Light Bringer, He Who Comes After
Sublime, All Hearing, Like the Lord, Another Name for God
Exalted, Sami, Who is Like God?, Child Born on Sunday
Bright, Exalted One, High, Sunshine
Persian Poet, Lofty, Sparkling, Help
Adler, Tall, Exalted High, The Enlightened
Enlightened One, Prevail, He Who Comes After, Light Bringer
Powerful as an Eagle, Enlightened One, High in Hebrew, Adler
He Who Comes After, Grace, Eagle Power, Tall
He Who Comes After, Garland in Tamil, Light Bringer, Exalted High
Abundant, Mighty, Lofty, Tall
Sami, His Name is God, Beautiful, Supreme
Exalted, Beautiful, Another Name for God, Ladybird)
High, Tall, Lofty, Towering
Like the Lord, Exalted, All Hearing, Beautiful
Prevail, Exalted One, High Mountain, Lofty
High in Hebrew, Light Bringer, Eagle Ruler, The Enlightened
Enlightened One, Eagle Power, Adler, Rule
Similar, Sami, Listener, Noble
Rule, Eagle Power, The Enlightened, High Mountain
Exalted High, Powerful as an Eagle, The Enlightened, Light Bringer
Tall, Powerful as an Eagle, High in Hebrew, Rule
Sublime, All Hearing, Hardy, Exalted
Blessed One, Adler, Powerful as an Eagle, He Who Comes After
Garland in Tamil, Enlightened One, Exalted High, Lofty
Rule, High in Hebrew, The Enlightened, Prevail
High in Hebrew, Eagle and Elder, Exalted One, He Who Comes After
Rule, Exalted High, Prevail, Blessed One
Exalted One, Light Bringer, Eagle Power, He Who Comes After
Eagle, Garland in Tamil, Enlightened One, Tall
Lofty, The Enlightened, Rule, Tall
Eagle, Protection, He Who Comes After, Light Bringer
Listener, Another Name for God, Beautiful, Sublime
Eagle and Elder, The Enlightened, Prevail, High Mountain
Exalted One, Lofty, Garland in Tamil, Powerful as an Eagle
Lofty, He Who Comes After, Light Bringer, High in Hebrew
Listener, Similar, All Hearing, Sami
Noble and Wolf, Black, On High, Blessed
Adler, Exalted High, The Enlightened, Eagle Power
Exalted, Elevated, Lofty, Sami
Eagle Power, Enlightened One, Rule, Lofty
Garland in Tamil, Tall, Enlightened One, High Mountain
Supreme, Variant Form of Christine, His Name is God, Christian Woman
Lofty, Exalted High, Garland in Tamil, Blessed One
Lofty, Eagle Power, Light Bringer, Blessed One
Powerful as an Eagle, He Who Comes After, Lofty, High in Hebrew
Powerful as an Eagle, Tall, High in Hebrew, The Enlightened
Sami, Obedient, Similar, Elevated
Elevated, All Hearing, Obedient, Exalted
All Hearing, Wolf Fame, Sublime, Beautiful
Beautiful, Obedient, Sublime, Eminent
Obedient, His Name is God, Similar, Eminent
Prevail, Enlightened One, Lofty, Eagle
He Who Comes After, Blessed One, Powerful as an Eagle, Adler
War Like, Sublime, Holy, All Hearing
Lofty, People of Victory, Elevated, Noble
Enlightened One, Female Sheep, Variation of Raymond, Wise Protection
Elevated, Favor, Happiness, Grace
Beautiful, Eminent, Intact, Another Name for God
Tall, Exalted One, Eagle and Elder, Rule
Exalted High, Eagle, The Enlightened, Adler
Blessed One, Eagle and Elder, Lofty, Garland in Tamil
High Mountain, Light Bringer, Powerful as an Eagle, Prevail
The Enlightened, Rule, Blessed One, Tall
Noble, Obedient, Elevated, Listener
Similar, Elevated, His Name is God, All Hearing
Towering, Lofty
Lofty, Feminine of Shahiq, High, Towering
Eagle and Elder, Tall, The Enlightened, Lofty
Eagle Ruler, Enlightened One, He Who Comes After, Tall
All Hearing, Obedient, Victory and People, Elevated
Enlightened One, Prevail, Powerful as an Eagle, Tall
Light Bringer, Adler, He Who Comes After, High in Hebrew
Eagle Power, High in Hebrew, Rule, Tall
Elevated, Listener, Lady, Supreme
Another Name for God, Exalted, Similar, Bitter
Forceful, Respectable, Lofty, Wise
Eagle Power, High in Hebrew, Rule, Tall
Eagle, Enlightened One, Exalted High, Garland in Tamil
Enlightened One, High in Hebrew, Eagle, Lofty
King, Blessed One, Secret, Light Bringer
God Would Multiply, All Hearing, Obedient, Exalted
Woodland Maid, Another Name for God, From the Woods / Forest, Sublime
He Who Comes After, High in Hebrew, Tall, Enlightened One
Another Name for God, Beautiful, Sami, Obedient
Persian Poet, Lofty, Sparkling, Help
The Enlightened, Blessed, A Prophets Name, Aharon
Tall, Powerful as an Eagle, High in Hebrew, Rule
Powerful as an Eagle, Blessed One, Rule, Adler
Similar, Sami, Listener, Noble
Eminent, His Name is God, All Hearing, Supreme
Eagle and Elder, Tall, Rule, Adler
Eagle and Elder, Light Bringer, Exalted One, Lofty
Enlightened One, Eagle Power, High Mountain, Light Bringer
Rule, High in Hebrew, Eagle Power, The Enlightened
High Mountain, Lofty, Rule, Enlightened One
Listener, All Hearing, Obedient, Noble
Eagle and Elder, Tall, Rule, Adler
Rule, Exalted High, Prevail, Blessed One
High Mountain, Eagle Ruler, Enlightened One, He Who Comes After
Garland in Tamil, Tall, Eagle Power, Lofty
Eagle Power, Enlightened One, Rule, Lofty
Obedient, His Name is God, Elevated, Sami
Prevail, Eagle Power, Exalted One, High in Hebrew
Obedient, House, Elevated, Sami
High, Eminent, Battle Maiden, Supreme
Champion, Victory and People, Sami, His Name is God
Elevated, Lofty
Supreme, Friendship, Listener, Similar
Tall, Lofty, Garland in Tamil, Enlightened One
Eagle Power, High in Hebrew, The Enlightened, Lofty
Light Bringer, Tall, He Who Comes After, High Mountain
Exalted One, Garland in Tamil, Tall, He Who Comes After
Eagle, Garland in Tamil, Enlightened One, Tall
Blessed One, Light Bringer, High in Hebrew, Powerful as an Eagle
Exalted High, Eagle Ruler, Enlightened One, Lofty
Humble, Supreme, Listener, Eminent
Eagle and Elder, Tall, Garland in Tamil, Lofty
Eminent, Similar, Sublime, Lofty
High in Hebrew, Powerful as an Eagle, The Enlightened, Lofty
Exalted High, The Enlightened, Adler, Blessed One
Champion, Victory and People, Sami, His Name is God
Exalted, Bright, All Hearing, Obedient
Gifted Daughter, Excellence, Full of Joy, Garland in Tamil
Exalted One, Garland in Tamil, Adler, Rule
Blessed One, Eagle Power, He Who Comes After, Exalted High
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