Names that mean Crown

Updated: June 5th, 2024
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Crown, Diadem, Wreath, Garland
The King, Crown, Fame, Lion-bold
Crown, Garland
Crown and Glory, Slav, Fame
The Taaj Mahal, Crowned, Jewel, Crown
Crown, Little Rock
Crowned in Victory, Crown, Victorious, Garland
Narrow, Graceful, Crowned, Beautiful
Pure, Arms, Slim, Crown of Laurels
The Crowned, Garland, Wreath, To Wear a Crown
The Crowned, Crown
The Crowned, Victorious, Crown, Garland
Garland of Victory, Garl
Crown of Laurel, Graceful, Lovely, Slender
Crown and Glory, Fame, Slav
Little Rock, Crown
Wreath, The Crowned, To Wear a Crown, Garland
Wreath Crown, Garland
Crown, Very Sweet
Crowned, To Wear a Crown, Wreath, Garland
Auspicious Powder, Colour Red, Crown of the Head
The Crowned, A Crown of Garland, Victorious
Moon Crown
Crowned in Victory, A Crown of Garland, Victorious
Wreath, Garland, Crowned, To Wear a Crown
Laurel, Arms, Keeper of the Keys, Fair
Keeper of the Keys, Beloved, Pure, Slim
Crown of Hair, Kalawa
Crown of Laurel, Beautiful, Graceful, Narrow
Joined, Garland, Guide, United
Crown Given by Indra to Arjuna, Another Name of Arjun
Gold Crown, Queen
Prize, Battleground, Ornamental Elements., Crowned in Victory Wreath
Crown, Keeper of the Keys, Victory, Pure
Crown and Glory, Slav, Fame
Crown, Royalty Jewels, The Tiara, Diadem
Royalty Jewels, Life, The Tiara, Crown
Garland, The Crowned, Wreath, To Wear a Crown
Garland, Crown, Crowned in Victory, Victorious
The Tiara, Diadem, Life, Royalty Jewels
Laurel, Slim, Keeper of the Keys, Like God
Crowned, Garland, Wreath, To Wear a Crown
Sing Beautifully, A Crown
Worthy, Beauty, Golden Crown
Same As Lalita
Life, -Tia, The Tiara, Happiness
Pure, Arms, Slim, Crown of Laurels
Crowned, To Wear a Crown, Wreath, Garland
Crown, The Crowned, Victorious, Garland
Crown, Victorious, Crowned in Victory, Garland
The Word Caol Which is of the Meaning Narrow Slender, Crowned, Lovely, Graceful
The Word Keter with the Meaning Crown
Laurel, Keeper of the Keys, Arms, Fair
Form of Mary, Beloved, Crown, Victorious
Bosom Friend, Wealth, Crown
Garland, Victorious, Crown, The Crowned
To Wear a Crown, Crowned, Wreath, Garland
Wreath, The Crowned, Garland, To Wear a Crown
Good Friend, Crown, Wealth
Kalawa, Crown
Wreath, The Crowned, Garland, To Wear a Crown
Combined, Joined, Reclusive, Adhesion
Crown, Crowned in Victory, Victorious, Garland
Garland, The Crowned, Wreath, To Wear a Crown
Adorning / Crown of the Religion (Islam)
Little Rock, Crown
Ray of Light, Rain, Sweetly Singing, Sparkle
The Sun, Fire, Crown Flower Plant, Blaze
Wreath Crown, Garland
Very Sweet, Little Rock, Crown
To Wear a Crown, Crowned, Garland, Wreath
Wreath, To Wear a Crown, Crowned, Garland
A Crown of Garland, Victorious, Crowned in Victory
People, Crown, To Mention, Short Form of Anastasia
Wreath, Garland, Crowned, To Wear a Crown
To Wear a Crown, The Crowned, Garland, Wreath
Bosom Friend, Crown, Wealth
The Crowned, Wreath, To Wear a Crown, Garland
Garland, Crowned in Victory, Victorious
Crown, Garland, The Crowned, Victorious
Crown of Hair, Kalawa
A Triumphant Wreath Worn As a Crown, Ornamental Elements., Battleground, Prize
Royalty Jewels, Life, The Tiara, Crown
Wealth, Crown, Good Friend
A Crown of Garland, The Crowned, Victorious
Governor, Attached, Affectionate, Joined
To Wear a Crown, The Crowned, Garland, Wreath
The Crowned, Garland, Wreath, To Wear a Crown
The Crowned, Crown
Crowned in Victory, Crown, Victorious, Garland
Wreath, The Crowned, To Wear a Crown, Garland
The Tiara, Diadem, Crown, Royalty Jewels
Crowned in Victory, Victorious, Crown, Garland
Wreath, To Wear a Crown, The Crowned, Garland
Like God, Crown, Fair, Pure
The Tiara, Life, Crown, Diadem
The Tiara, Diadem, Life, Royalty Jewels
Fair, People of Victory, Crowned with Laurels, Laurel
The Crowned, Wreath Crown
Crown, Garland, Chief of Prophets
Crown, Wealth, Bosom Friend
A Triumphant Wreath Worn As a Crown, Ornamental Elements., Battleground, Prize
Variation of Kay, Pure, Fair, Arms
The Word Caol Which is of the Meaning Narrow Slender, Graceful, Crowned, Beautiful
Crown of Laurel, Beautiful, Slender, Graceful
God is My Crown
The Crowned, Wreath, Garland, To Wear a Crown
The Crowned, Wreath, Garland, To Wear a Crown
The Crowned, Garland, Wreath, To Wear a Crown
Crowned, Wreath, Garland, To Wear a Crown
The Crowned, A Crown of Garland, Victorious
Crowned, To Wear a Crown, Garland, Wreath
Crowned in Victory Wreath, Battleground, Ornamental Elements., Garland
Very Sweet, Crown
That of Honor to Nourishing Crown
Battleground, Crowned in Victory Wreath, Garland, Prize
God is My Crown
Wreath Crown, The Crowned
A Crown of Garland, Victorious, Crowned in Victory
Crown, Little Rock
To Wear a Crown, Messenger of God, Garland, Crowned
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