Dhuri name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Sanskrit
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Dhuri
Meaning: Axis and Yoke
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What does Dhuri mean?

Boy name Dhuri means "Axis or Yoke" is used in Sanskrit.

How popular is the name Dhuri?

Dhuri is a popular baby name in India where every 1 in 140000 have the name. As per our findings, over 8000 people has been named Dhuri globally.


Numerological analysis of Dhuri

Your expression number reveals your kind heart. You are an opportunist with an optimistic attitude. You always compete with yourself. You are there to give a hand or honest advice when necessary but refuse to ask for help, even when you need it badly. You don't like many people walking in and out of your life. Having letter I as your capstone in your name reveals the lack of balance and harmony in your life.

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Famous people named Dhuri

We could not find any notable namesake.

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