Hyginus name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Greek
Usage: Finnish, Swedish and Danish
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What does Hyginus mean?

Hyginus is Latin equivalent of The Greek Name ‘Υγινος.

How popular is the name Hyginus?

Hyginus is a popular baby name in Nigeria where every 1 in 20000 have the name. As per our findings, over 9000 babies have been bestowed Hyginus around the globe.


Hyginus in Nordic countries

First NameSecondary NameFirst NameSecondary Name

Numerological analysis of Hyginus

To you, if something works out, fine. If it doesn't, fine again. Your biggest flaw is your self-doubt. You are not much into hanging around and wasting time with people. Your soul urge number recommends you believe in yourself and your talents more. Having letter I as your first vowel represents your elegance, impulsive attitude, big heart, and gentle soul. People complain about your coldness. But these are the people that haven't had the chance to know you better.

Looking for a name like Hyginus? Please go through the following names

  •  Ahiram - The boy name Ahiram came from Hebrew, Ahiram means "Brother of the Exalted"
  •  Brodd is Swedish equivalent of Broddr
  •  Dinna - Offbeat African-Mende Dinna is used as a baby girl name, meaning of Dinna is "The Broad-Leafed Dinna Plant" is largely used in Finnish and Faroese
  •  Kalerak - Used predominantly in Greenlandic and Finnish, Kalerak is a boy name. Kalerak is equivalent of Kaaleeraq in Greenlandic language
  •  Diuri - Boy name Diuri is particulary used in Old Danish and Danish. Diuri is equivalent of Diúri in Danish language

Famous people named Hyginus

We could not find any notable namesake.

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