Uga name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Tamil
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What does Uga mean?

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How popular is the name Uga?

Uga is a common baby name in India while it is somewhat familiar in Nigeria and Indonesia. As per our research, over 3000 babies have been bestowed Uga around the globe.


Numerological analysis of Uga

You are smart but prefer to play dumb to get things. You have the ability to see inside people's soul and find out what they want. You like to believe that whatever we think, we become. You are courageous but stubborn when convinced you are doing things the right way. You would never cheat on your partner because you believe that only people who're mentally weak can commit that. If letter A is your capstone in your name, you are romantic by nature. However, you are also interested in action.

Other names similar to Uga, for would be parents

  •  Harann - Unisex name Harann is prevalently used in Tamil, meaning of Harann is "Lord Shiva" is rooted from Hebrew
  •  Piran - Originated from Irish, Piran is used in Tamil, a boy name, Piran means "Prayer"
  •  Priyatharshi - Mostly used in Tamil, Priyatharshi bestowed upon girls, meaning of Priyatharshi is "Darling or Beloved"
  •  Aranie - The girl name Aranie means "Goddess Amman" is used principally in Tamil
  •  Manoranjitham - Manoranjitham's meaning is Pleasant used for girls is used predominantly in Tamil

Famous people named Uga

  • Uga, official live mascot of the University of Georgia Bulldogs
  • Uga Skulme, Latvian painter

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