Famous people named Gitta

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List of 15 Famous people whose name is Gitta or celebrities named Gitta or famous persons named Gitta.

Birgitta Johansson in Harry Carey Jr. Hosts Tales from the Set as Producer
Gitta Schweighöfer in Das Leben der Anderen as Actress
Gitta Saxx in Show #718 - Wir feiern 100 Jahre FC Bayern as
Brigitta Boccoli in Manhattan Baby as Actress
Margitta Hofer in Intime Stunden auf der Schulbank as Actress
Birgitta Valberg in Jungfrukällan as Actress
Birgitta Pettersson in Jungfrukällan as Actress
Brigitta Stenberg in Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot as Actress
Birgitta Andersson in Att angöra en brygga as Actress
Brigitta Dau in The Inheritance as Actress
Gitta Hannson in Stripped! as Actress
Brigitta Kocsis in Episode dated 23 February 2005 as

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