Names that mean Jove
Down-bearded Youth, Jove's Child, Julia, Soft Bearded
Soft Bearded, Youthful, Variant of Julia, Illustrious Roman Family
Youthful, Julia, Downy Bearded, Girl
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Youth, Soft Bearded, Jove's Child
Cattley's flower
Julia, Jove's Descendant, Youthful, Down-bearded Youth
Soft Haired, God is Gracious, Youth, Jove's Child
Variant of Julia, Jupiter's Child, Soft Bearded, Soft-haired
Guelder rose
Jupiters Child Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove)
Jove's Child, Soft Bearded, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Julia
Julia, Illustrious Roman Family, Jove's Child, Youthful
Joy, Jovita, Joie De Vivre, Dedicated to Jove
Jove's Child, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
Soft Bearded, Youth, Downy, Youthful
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Julia, Jove's Child
Jupiters Child Downy, God is Gracious, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Haired
Youth, Young, Jove's Descendant
Soft Bearded, Jove's Child, Youth, Name of a Poem
Jove's Child, Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Dedicated to Jupiter
God is Gracious, Soft Haired, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove)
Illustrious Roman Family, Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Jove's Child
Jove's Child, Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Dedicated to Jupiter
Jove's Child, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Down-bearded Youth
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Jove's Child, Youth, Soft Haired
Youthful, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Illustrious Roman Family, Jupiters Child Downy
Soft Bearded, Jove's Child, Youth, Name of a Poem
Illustrious Roman Family, Youthful, Soft Haired, Down-bearded Youth
Youthful, Julia, Downy Bearded, Girl
Jove, Joy, Joie De Vivre, Jovita
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Haired, God is Gracious, Illustrious Roman Family
Woman from Jehud, Youth, Judäerin, Dedicated to Jupiter
Down-bearded Youth, Jove's Child, Youthful, Soft and Tender Hair
Down-bearded Youth, Soft Bearded, Illustrious Roman Family, Jove's Child
Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Youth, Soft and Tender Hair, Jove's Child
Of Vanessa and butterfly
Soft and Tender Hair, Youth, Jupiters Child Downy, Illustrious Roman Family
God is Gracious, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Down-bearded Youth, Soft Bearded
Down-bearded Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Jove's Child, God is Gracious
Soft and Tender Hair, Downy, Jove's Child, Illustrious Roman Family
Dedicated to Jupiter, Jupiters Child Downy, Youthful, Soft and Tender Hair
God is Strong, Fair, Youthful, Illustrious Roman Family
Woman from Jehud, God is Gracious, Judäerin, Illustrious Roman Family
Downy, Hairy, Soft Bearded, Youthful
Illustrious Roman Family, Dedicated to Jupiter, Jove's Child, Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet
Great joy
Soft Haired, Down-bearded Youth, Jove's Child, Admired
Child of the Gods, Epic, Julia, Down-bearded Youth
Famous city
Julia, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Youthful
Soft Haired, Youth, Youthful, Descended from Jupiter (Jove)
Jove's Child, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
Woman from Jehud, Youth, Judäerin, Dedicated to Jupiter
Illustrious Roman Family, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
Jovita, Jove, Joy, Joie De Vivre
Jove's Child, Dedicated to Jupiter, Soft Haired, Youthful
Jupiters Child Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove)
Soft Bearded, Down-bearded Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Jove's Child
God is Gracious, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Illustrious Roman Family
Soft Bearded, Jupiters Child Downy, Hairy, Dedicated to Jupiter
Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Illustrious Roman Family
Jupiters Child Downy, Soft Haired, Dedicated to Jupiter, Youth
Jove's Child, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Youthful
Soft and Tender Hair, Youth, Jove's Child, Youthful
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