Shatabhisha nakshatra names for girls

 SusruthaVery Famous, Well Heard, A Good Reputation
 SussiLily, Rose, True Beauty, Anemone
 SusumnaA Dark Complexioned and Beautiful Girl, Very Gracious, Same As Lalita
 SusvaraSweet Voiced
 SutaBegotten, Son
 SutapaSeeker of God
 SutaraHoly Star
 SutarakaWith Beautiful Stars
 SuthanthiraIndependent Person, Independant Person
 SutharshiniBeautiful Lady Sundari
 SutoyaWith Beautiful Water, A River
 SutraSilk, Holy Star
 SutramaAnother Name for Earth, Protecting Well
 SuurekhaBeautifully Drawn
 SuvachaSpeaking Well
 SuvachaniAlways Speaking Well
 SuvaliFull of Grace, The Graceful
 SuvamaBeautiful Woman
 SuvaniPerson with a Good Voice
 SuvarnaGolden, Beautiful color, Gold
 SuvarnaprabhaLuster of Gold
 SuvarnarekhaLine of Gold, Ray of Gold
 SuvarnmalaGolden Necklace
 SuvartaGood News
 SuvasuFragrant, An Angle
 SuvathaLove of the Earth
 SuvedaVery Intelligent, Knower of Scriptures
 SuveethaWelfare, Prosperity
 SuvenaWith a Beautiful Plait of Hair
 SuvethaWelfare, Prosperity
 SuvidhaFacility, One who Follows Rituals
 SuvidyaGood Education
 SuvikshaWealthy and Powerful
 SuvithaProsperity, Welfare
 SuvittiGood Knowledge
 SuvraWife of Rukmi
 SuvrataStrict in Religious Vows Subrata, A Child of Daksa
 SuvrateVery Religious
 SuvritaWell Conducted, Virtuous
 SuvyuhaHalo, An Angel, Purity
 SuwaydahA Narrator of Hadith
 SuyashaGood Achievement, Good Achievent
 SuyatiLord Vishnu
 SuyoshaPerfect Woman