Adelstein name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old English, Hebrew, Germanic, Arabic and Old Norse
Usage: Norwegian
Meaning: Precious, Nobel and Stone
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What does Adelstein mean?

Adelstein is equivalent of Aðalsteinn in Norwegian language.

Variants of Adelstein

Aðalsteinn, Æðelstán, Adelsten

How popular is the name Adelstein?

Adelstein is an uncommon name around the world.


Numerological analysis of Adelstein

You never get tired from trying to be better than you were yesterday. You believe in yourself because it's the secret to achieving your aspirations and realize your life goals. You have a positive influence on people but gather their negativity instead of positivity on a daily basis. It drains you. It wouldn't hurt you if you opened your mind and hear different opinions on different matters. You get easily disappointed by others because you expect too much.

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Famous people named Adelstein

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