Ajamukha name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Sanskrit
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Ajamukha
Meaning: Goat Faced
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What does Ajamukha mean?

Used in Sanskrit, Ajamukha means "Goat Faced" is used for baby boys.

How popular is the name Ajamukha?

Ajamukha is an extremely rare name around the world.


Numerological aspects of Ajamukha

You deserve the best because you are simply the best. People don't take you seriously because of your inconsistency. Your attitude is expressive and energetic. Open up to new suggestions and ideas. When it comes to love, you are a passionate lover but hard to commit. Wait until you find the right one. When it comes to expressing an opinion about something, you keep it to yourself. In order to truly succeed in life, you have to work on your personality first.

Looking for a name like Ajamukha? Please go through the following names

  •  Ekama - Boy name Ekama means "One, Unique or Peerless" is used prevalently in Sanskrit
  •  Rasesha means Lord of the Sentiments is mostly used in Sanskrit is a boy name
  •  Kistnah - Kistnahs origin is Sanskrit, meaning of Kistnah is "Dark, God Krishna and Brave" is used as a boy name. Kistnah is resulted from Krishna.
  •  Gosalaka - The boy name Gosalaka means "Master of the Cowherds" is used specifically in Sanskrit
  •  Tejaswa - Boy name Tejaswa means "Full of Knowledge Light" is used primarily in Sanskrit

Famous people named Ajamukha

We could not find any notable namesake.

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