Derlis name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Derlis
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What does Derlis mean?

Meaning of Derlis is not available this time. Please visit after sometime.

How popular is the name Derlis?

Derlis is a rare baby name in United States however it is still in use. But Derlis is a popular baby name in Paraguay where every 1 in 500 have the name.

According to our findings, at least 10000 people have been bestowed Derlis around the globe.

[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Numerological analysis of Derlis

You can hardly resist a temptation, a trait which affects your relationships in a negative way. Your methods of handling relationships are proven. Meditation is your thing. If you want to keep someone by your side for longer, learn how to express emotions. Instead of talking about your dreams and goals, you prefer to realize them and focus on even greater goals after. As a lover, you are cold-hearted and distant.

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Famous people named Derlis

  • Derlis Gómez, Paraguayan footballer
  • Derlis Florentín, Paraguayan football striker


  1. Social Security Administration,
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