Seiwal name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old English
Meaning: Sea Powerful
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What does Seiwal mean?

The boy name Seiwal is rooted from Old English. Seiwal is variant form of rooted Sewell. Sewell is a variant of Sewall. Originated from Old English, Sewell is used in English, Sewell means "Sea Powerful".

Variants of Seiwal

Sewell, Sewall, Saewald

How popular is the name Seiwal?

Seiwal is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numerology tells about Seiwal?

You think you have all the answers to your questions until someone surprises you and proves you are wrong. Having vowel E as your first one in your name represents your sensitivity. Sometimes you feel this emptiness inside that can't be fulfilled with anything you can think of. Being in a relationship is hard for you because you are all about variety. Due to your naivety, you are taken advantage of very often.

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Famous people named Seiwal

We could not find any notable namesake.

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