Tabibe name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Turkish
Meaning: Healer and Doctor Physician
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What does Tabibe mean?

Boy name Tabibe is rooted from Turkish language. Tabibe is variant form of Tabib. Of Turkish origin, Tabib, Tabib means "Healer and Doctor" is used in Turkish.

Variants of Tabibe

Tabib, Tabeabe

How popular is the name Tabibe?

Tabibe is a familiar baby name in Azerbaijan. According to our estimate, over 200 babies have been named Tabibe globally.


Numerological analysis of Tabibe

You remind people that life is for you to live it, and not survive, something many do these days. You want to achieve a great success and accomplish your dreams in order to prove yourself you can do it. You are seen as a dominant force at your workplace, while your friends see you as their shoulder to cry. Your failures motivate you. You are a walking inspiration with an amazing aura. You are the mover and shaker of the world.

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Famous people named Tabibe

We could not find any notable namesake.

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