Ngobeni meaning | Last name Ngobeni origin

Following is the meaning of Ngobeni surname. Family name Ngobeni is generally added after the name or middle name so also called last name.
Family Name / Last Name: Ngobeni
No. of characters: 7
Origin: South Africa
Meaning: Currently, no meaning found for Ngobeni

Ngobeni is used as a family name or surname in South Africa languages. Ngobeni has 7 characters long in length.

Ngobeni is common in South Africa country(ies).

Ngobeni is ranked 15354 in our list.

How popular is Ngobeni?

Ngobeni is quite popular last name mostly concentrated in South Africa which signifies that it is originated from South Africa. Around 34290 people have been found who wears Ngobeni as their family name. Ngobeni is used widely across the globe. More detailed information can be found below:
Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
90,215 Germany3
3,949 Botswana3
24,766 Scotland2
3,670 Mozambique2
3,940 Ethiopia2
12,161 Wales2
62,864 New Zealand1
81,201 Switzerland1
1,179 Swaziland1
50,307 Saudi Arabia1
58,885 Poland1
66,560 Philippines1
6,820 Angola1
Countries with very low frequency i.e., 10 - 50:
20,103 Norway33
1,737 Iceland22
Countries with low frequency i.e., 50 - 100:
19,475 Zimbabwe84
5,314 Kuwait70
268,319 United States62
Countries with hundreds of Ngobeni:
12,466 England484
Countries with ten thousands of Ngobeni:
182 South Africa33,514
Comments :Themba Ngobese Ngobeni/Ngobese/Ngobeza a quick background for my people who needs to know where they come from, their history and roots. Firstly, its proper to look at Izithakazelo to guide us where we realy come from. Ngobeni and Ngobeza trace their roots from Ngobese, Abakwa Ngobese they are people from the caves in the mountains of Kwazulu Natal some of the caves can be traced from NKandla up to Lousville near phongolo valley. so lets begin how do we connect Ngobeni and Ngobeza to Ngobese as a sister tribe here is how we know: Ngobeni/Ngobeza: I quote isithakazelo:- "I ma siya yi Gobile, Gobele Ntanyeni. I Mlambya, Mlambya ku nyela, Ma nyele ndleleni athembi nkani". Gobele Ntanyeni "Ntanyeni is a mountain in Kwazulu Natal some they call it Ntabantuzuma" the ngobeni/ngobeza/ngobese they were hiding inside the caves "Emgedeni", in the mountains entanyeni "Ntabantuzuma". I mlambya - Mlambya has been derived from Mlambo, when you follow isthakazelo sakwa Ngobese you will realise "Khaba, Xongo, Sihayo, Mehlokazulu, Mkhumbikazulu, Nonjini, Gudlumkhonto, Mdonswa, Mlambo, Bantungwa abamnyama" everyone trace their background from a specific name/clan. Ngobeni, will trace back to Mlambo,Mdonswa,...sihayo, etc the list wont end depending on your lineage abeNguni once you move from a clan to another clan they allow you to change an alphabet on your surname to suit the new clan but not entirely loose your roots or origin thats where you find Nghuni to Tsonga/Shangaan:- "Ngobese - Ngobeni/Ngobeza, Khoza - Khosa, Mlambo - Mlambya, etc" hope this will help other people, who realised that they can't find proper explanation for Ngobeni/Ngobeza under XiTsonga language. this is because Ngobeni/Ngobeza is a Nguni surname, therefore fewer references is available under the Xitsonga language. some can argue by refering to their forefathers yes, but look at the source of your clan's praise/Isithakazelo it will show you your roots at this point Ngobeni/Ngobeza referes to Ma siya yi Gobile, Gobele Ntanyeni. Ingobezitha, Mlambya that means they are from the Mlambo lineage Ngobeni/Ngobeza/Ngobese the sihayo lineage to Mqungeba if you need to know more, contact me Anonymous - Monday 3rd April 2017 , 10:55 AM you telling lies my friend.the surname Ngobeni is actually a Kalanga surname derived from the animal Mangobe whick is a wild cat.mlambya is a kalanga expression that means those that eat dogs. Anonymous Ngobese - Tuesday 25th July 2017 , 12:55 PM The Anonymous,give your reasoning and examples. according to what I see the writer correctly points Ngobeni and Ngobeza using izithakazelo. some people like Penny Penny sings songs like Bangoni Bangoni I vana va mani, Ingane yamashangane like maluleka, ngobeni he calls them out. This gives the writer a true reflection of Ngobeni, khalanga when you look at it is actualy Ka Langa, originating from Zwide Ka Langa that is Nguni too. I agree with the writer Ngobeni/Ngobeza is a Nguni Surname. you just missed the point the writer explained. sanele ngobeni - Monday 11th March 2019 , 11:07 AM i need to know my father daniel ngobeni from mosambique ever since i was born ididn'tn know him now i'm 25 years old still i want to meet him , if u know him pls contact me 0780065571 Dumisani Ngobeni - Wednesday 13th March 2019 , 3:36 PM Themba we need to talk more about this surname I emailed you ddnt respond yes we are nguni but are from the ndwandwes not zulus we are the son of manukosi of mashiye of gwambe we are nongoma thina "singoMganu ohluma emini kaMandlakazi ebusuku uyawohloka manukuse onyele endleleni athemb inkani ndwandwe wethu masiya I gobile igobela Burena ngobe zitha" Dumisani Ngobeni - Wednesday 13th March 2019 , 3:41 PM My contact **** and **** Admin - Thursday 14th March 2019 , 1:20 PM Please do not share your private information in comment section. Gezani Ngobeni - Friday 6th November 2020 , 1:48 PM If we don't know where we are coming from, we won't know where we are going. Can anyone tell us as to who was Khubu Ngobeni apparently he lived in Mozambique and had 25 sons. Where does Marhwexa fits in in our surname? Shadrack Ngobeni - Friday 30th April 2021 , 11:44 AM Ngoben, Ngobese it's one and it's Origine is from KZN People would like to argue but that is the fact as of why I say so; When we praise our surname there is a lot of Nguni/Zulu that is dominating on it. Also don't forget that in Mozambique there are no Zulus or the Nguni tribes The fact is we moved from KZN to Mozambique and move back to South Africa where you find us scattered from Northern and Eastern parts of South Africa. Nwana mhani - Wednesday 24th August 2022 , 10:45 AM ALL WHAT YOU JUST SAID IS NOT CORRECT, NGOBENI ,MEANS MLAMBYA WHICH IS A KING Ntsemani Mlambya - Monday 6th February 2023 , 7:54 AM Ngobeni its a beautiful surname . can we write a wiki page about it . all of you who know more can you arrange and set a wiki page that would be lovely at the moment the info is scattered all over its like a Vatsonga and Mashangani fight both want to own this name

Celebrities having Ngobeni surname

Clifford Ngobeni Soccer player
December Ngobeni Soccer player
Paul Ngobeni Legal adviser
December Ngobeni Soccer player
Thela Ngobeni Soccer player
Clifford Ngobeni Soccer player

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Surname is added at the end of the first name also known as given name. Most of the time, a family name is used as a surname. You might not know the meaning of Ngobeni surname. We have collected informaton regarding the meaning and origin of Ngobeni and displayed for better understanding of surnames. Discover how Ngobeni is originated?
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