Names that mean Gemstone

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Reborn, Rubin, The Ruby, Red
The Name of a Gemstone, Jasper-stone, He who Guards the Treasure, Whoever Comes to See
Precious Green Stone, Jade
Precious Stone, Gemstone, Jewel, Gem
The Prized Green Gem Stone, Emerald Gemstone, Smaragd
Industrious, God with Us, Striving, Rival
Pure by Heart, A Gem of the Sea, Pearl, Grand
Smaragd, Praise, Emerald, Precious Green Gem Stone
Sapphire, Blue Jewel
Amethyst Meaning Gemstone
The Precious Green Gemstone, Jade, Stone of the Side
Green in Colour, Stone of the Colic, The Gemstone Jade
The Prized Green Gem Stone, Emerald Gemstone, Smaragd
A Cascade, Pool, Lake, The Most Beautiful Stone
Gem White in Color, The Precious Stone, Diamond, Pearl
Green Gemstone, Jade, The Most Beautiful Stone, God Reigns
Green Gemstone, Stone from the East, Jade
The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade, Thankful, God Reigns
The Prized Green Gem Stone, Emerald Gemstone, Smaragd
Emerald, The Prized Green Gem Stone, Smaragd
He who Guards the Treasure, Jasper-stone, Whoever Comes to See, The Name of a Gemstone
Stone, Thankful, Jade, God Reigns
Pale Green Gemstone, White, Fair, Botanical Name
The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade
Blue Jewel, Sapphire
Jewel, Gem, Gemstone, English
Rose Bush, Reborn, The Ruby, Rubin
Rubin, Red, See, Ruby
Emerald, The Prized Green Gem Stone, Smaragd
Turquoise Stone, Gemstone
Blue Jewel, Sapphire
Red Colored Precious Gemstone, Ruby Jewel, Reddish, Reborn
Stone, Rule, Horse, Bitter
Blue Gemstone, Sapphire
Blue Gemstone, Sapphire
Reborn, Rubin, The Ruby, Red
Stone, Green Gemstone, Jade
The Gemstone
Gemstone, Jewel
Blue Gemstone, Sapphire
Pure by Heart, Diamond, Gemstone, Gem White in Color
Stone of the Side, The Gemstone Jade
The Gemstone Jade, Side Stone
White, Fair, Head, Pale Green Gemstone
Green Gemstone, Jade, Stone
Mercy, Red Colored Precious Gemstone, Food, Name of a King
Noble and Shining, Pale Green Gemstone
Jasper-stone, Whoever Comes to See, Treasurer
Jewel, Gemstone, Gold, Precious Stone
The Prized Green Emerald Gemstone, Industrious, Embracing Everything
Ruby, Gem, Honoured, Valued
Jewel, Gemstone
Red Colored Precious Gemstone, Rubin, Reborn, The Ruby
Ruby Jewel, The Red Gemstone, Reddish, Rubin
Jewel Name, The Prized Green Emerald Gemstone, Praise, Smaragd
Pure, Jewel, Precious Stones, Gemstone
Jewel, Gemstone
Turquoise, Successful, Gemstone, Gem Stone
Red-coloured Precious Stone, Red, Waterfall, Blessed with Love
From the Land that was Burned, Pale Green Gemstone, Sharp, Botanical Name
Jewel Adorned by the Gods, Gemstone Crown
A Gem of the Sea, Grand, Diamond, Gemstone
Pure, Jewel, Precious Stones, Gemstone
Green Gemstone, Stone, Jade
Dweller by the white hedge or the white (forest) enclosure
The Precious Stone, Gemstone, Pure by Heart, Gem
Gemstone, Victory
Bead Like Lamp, A Light Pink to Blood Red Gemstone, Ruby
The Precious Stone, Gem, Gemstone, Jewel
Jade, Green Gemstone, Stone from the East, Thankful
Treasurer, Jasper-stone, Whoever Comes to See
Pure by Heart, Gem White in Color, Gemstone, The Precious Stone
Gem White in Color, Pearl, Gemstone, The Precious Stone
Turquoise, Gemstone
Stone, Jade
The Prized Green Gem Stone, Emerald Gemstone, Smaragd
Pearl, Grand, Gemstone, A Gem of the Sea
Red, Rubin, Reddish, Reborn
A Gem of the Sea, Pearl, The Precious Stone, Grand
Turquoise Stone, Gemstone
Blue Jewel, Sapphire
Treasured Child Gem, Treasure, Gemstone
Gemstone (Ruby), Gem
Young Gemstone, Small Jewel, Youthful, Tender
Meadow with Coarse Grass, Red Colored Precious Gemstone, Wood, Clearing, Ruby Jewel
Green Gemstone, The Most Beautiful Stone, God Reigns, Jade
The Prized Green Gem Stone, Emerald, Praise, Smaragd
Gem, Gemstone
He who Guards the Treasure, Whoever Comes to See, The Name of a Gemstone, Treasurer
Sandy Coast, Rock, Jewel, A Gemstone
Green Gemstone, The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade
Gemstone, Jewel
The Name of a Gemstone, Jasper-stone, He who Guards the Treasure, Whoever Comes to See
Gemstone, The Precious Stone, Pure by Heart, Pearl
The Prized Green Gem Stone, Emerald Gemstone, Smaragd
Jade and The Most Beautiful Stone
Amethyst Meaning Gemstone
Dweller by the white hedge or the white (forest) enclosure
Gemstone, The Precious Stone, Pure by Heart, Pearl
Pearl, Precious Stone, Gem, Gemstone
Red Colored Precious Gemstone, Rubin, Reborn, The Ruby
Blue Jewel, Sapphire
Gem White in Color, Pearl, Gemstone, The Precious Stone
Thankful, Green Gemstone, God Reigns
Protect, Jade, Precious Green Stone, To Help
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