Names that mean Homeland
House and King, Power, Home Ruler, Lord of the Manor
Heaven, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
Homeland, Estate, Ruler of an Enclosure, Rich
Homeland, Rich, Powerful, Mistress of the Home
Home, House and King, Powerful, Ruler of the Estate
Ruler, House and King, Home, Rich
Homeland, Domain, Glory and Earth, Renowned in the Land
Homeland, Land, A Lance
Parched Place, Sunny, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven
House and King, Ruler of an Enclosure, Homeland, Power
Domain, Glory and Earth, Renowned in the Land, Homeland
Home Ruler, Mistress of the Household, House Owner, Homeland
Land, "Country", Homeland
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven, Sign, Homeland
Power, Home, Powerful, Homeland
Heaven, Homeland, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Parched Place
Estate Ruler, House and King, Homeland, Powerful
Prevail, Fame, Famous Landowner, Renowned
Power, Rich, Powerful, Homeland
House, Powerful, Ruler, Home
Home Ruler, House and King, Powerful, Homeland
Land, Country and Powerful, Lion Man, Laundryman
House Owner, Ruler of the Enclosure, Home, Homeland
Renowned, Country, Glory and Earth, Domain
Old, Home, Homeland, Achievement
House Owner, Anointed Christian, Ruler of the Enclosure, Christ-bearer
Famous Landowner, Glory and Earth, Country, Domain
Laundry-man, Lion Man, Homeland, From the Grassy Plain
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
Rich, Power, Powerful, Homeland
Rich, Ruler, Powerful, Power
Rough Land, Lion Man, From the Grassy Plain, Power
Hardy, Home, Homeland, Brave
From the Same Blood, Rich, Powerful, Everything and King
Fame, Glory and Earth, Homeland, Domain
Fame, Land, Homeland
Heaven, Parched Place, Sunny, Sign
Home, Power, House and King, Rich
Sign, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place
Famous Landowner, Glory and Earth, Country, Domain
Power, Powerful, Rich, Homeland
Homeland, Man, The Manly, Hard
Power, Man, Homeland, Hard
Old, Reunion, Homeland, Achievement
Heaven, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
House and King, Powerful, Homeland, Rich
Homeland, Power, Rich, House
God is Merciful, Homeland, Ruler, Powerful
Sign, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place, Homeland
Rich, Home, Homeland, Power
Famous Landowner, Glory and Earth, Country, Domain
Ruler, House, Power, Homeland
Ruler, Laundryman, Rough Land, Laundry-man
Powerful, All-powerful Ruler, Homeland, Everything and King
Shiny, Country and Illustrious, Land, Homeland
Home, Rich, Homeland, House
Rich, Estate Ruler, Henry, Form of Harold
Powerful, All-powerful Ruler, Homeland, Everything and King
Ruler of the Enclosure, Homeland, Rich, House and King
Grace, Homeland, Graceful, Gracious
House, Homeland, Jet Black, Power
L, Homeland, Bright, Brightness of the Land
Rich, Homeland, Ruler, Power
Brilliant, Bright, Country and Illustrious, Land
Homeland, Glory and Earth, Renowned, Fame
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven, Sunny, Parched Place
Estate Ruler, House and King, Home, Rich
Estate, Homeland, Power, Rich
Rules the Home, Wealthy Guardian, House Owner, Estate
Domain, Famous Land Owner, Fame, Country
Powerful, House and King, Ruler of the Enclosure, Power
House and King, Rich, Power, Powerful
House Owner, Power, Lord of the Manor, Home
Power, Home, Homeland, Powerful
Nobel, Homeland, Dutch, From the Grassy Plain
Parched Place, Sunny, Sign, Heaven
Ruler, House and King, Homeland, Power
Country, Glory and Earth, Renowned in the Land, Homeland
Protector of the Homeland
Home, House, Homeland, Powerful
Power, Homeland, Hard, Ruler
Famous Land Owner, Country, Domain, Homeland
Land, A Light Spear, Homeland
Powerful, Ruler, House, Power
Famous Land Owner, Fame, Homeland, Glory and Earth
Home, Power, Powerful, Homeland
Lord of the Manor, Warrior, Brotherly, Power
House, Rich, Powerful, Home
Power, Home, Rich, Powerful
Power, Rich, Powerful, Homeland
Mistress of the Household, Knowledge, Hone, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing
Home Ruler, Powerful, House, Power
Laundry-man, Laundryman, Land, Homeland
Glory and Earth, Famous Landowner, Fame, Country
Power, Rich, Powerful, Homeland
House Owner Lord of the Manor, Power, Homeland, Powerful
From a Famous Land, Fame, Homeland, Domain
Bright, Brightness of the Land, Famous Landowner, L
From the Famous Land, Fame, Country, Homeland
Home, Powerful, Power, Rich
Home, God is Merciful, Power, Powerful
Earl, Famous Wolf, Homeland, Leader
Home, Powerful, Power, Rich
Homeland, Land, A Lance
Country, Land, Fame, Glory and Earth
Power, Homeland, Rich, Powerful
Land, Fame, Homeland, Domain
Christian Woman, Disciple of the Christ, Home Ruler, Christ-bearer
Glory and Earth, From a Famous Land, Country, Fame
From the Homeland
Home Ruler, Rich, Power, Powerful
Home, Homeland, House, Power
Homeland, Glory and Earth, Fame, Domain
Homeland, Power, Rich, Home
Home, Ruler of the Enclosure, House Owner, Homeland
Lord of the Manor, Home Ruler, House Owner, Rich
Home, House Owner Lord of the Manor, Estate Ruler, Powerful
Rich, Homeland, Ruler, Power
Mistress of the Household, Homeland, Home, Rich
Homeland, House
Famous Land Owner, Fame, Glory and Earth, Renowned
Power, Rich, Rules the Home, House and King
Country, Renowned in the Land, Glory and Earth, Famous Landowner
Rich, Homeland, Power, House
Power, Home, Rich, Homeland
Christian Woman, Belonging to Christ, Power, Lord of the Manor
Christ-bearer, Rich, House and King, Belonging to Christ
Lord of the Manor, Power, Home Ruler, Powerful
Rich, Home, Homeland, Power
Fame, From the Famous Land, Country, Homeland
Power, Ruler, Powerful, Home
Ruler of the Enclosure, Powerful, Home, Rich
Homeland, Land, Fame
A Lance, Homeland, Land
Laundry-man, Land, Homeland, From the Grassy Plain
Homeland, Land, Frank
Rich, Powerful, House, Homeland
Homeland, Renowned, Country, Famous Landowner
Country, Land, Homeland, Fame
Powerful, House and King, Power, Estate
Rich, Power, Powerful, Homeland
Fame, From the Famous Land, Homeland, Country
Power, Powerful, Home, Laurel
Germane, Gift of God, Sister, House
Power, House, Powerful, Keeper of the Hearth
Fame, Homeland, Country, From the Famous Land
Home, House Owner Lord of the Manor, Power, Homeland
Power, Home, Homeland, Rich
Home, House Owner Lord of the Manor, Power, Homeland
House and King, Rich, Home Ruler, Powerful
Rich, Homeland, Home, Powerful
Home, House, Homeland, Powerful
Rich, Power, Powerful, Homeland
Mistress of the Household, House and King, Homeland, Powerful
Power, Powerful, House, Rich
House Owner, Disciple of Christ, Christian Woman, The Anointed One
Homeland, Power, House, Rich
Nobel, Property Owner or Laundry-man, Land, From the Grassy Plain
House, Home, Power, Ruler
Laundry-man, Lion Man, Homeland, From the Grassy Plain
Rich, Homeland, Home, Power
Home, Powerful, Ruler, House
Struggle, Powerful, Ruler, War
Ruler, Laurel, Homeland, House
House, Homeland, Home Land
Powerful, House and King, Ruler of the Estate, Homeland
Grace, Homeland, Graceful, Gracious
Shiny, Country and Illustrious, Brilliant, L
Ruler, Homeland, Power, House
Powerful, Rich, Power, Home
Power, Sister, Rich, From Germany
Rules the Home, House and King, Rich, Homeland
Christian Woman, Disciple of the Christ, Home Ruler, Christ-bearer
Power, Rich, Home Ruler, Powerful
Homeland, Powerful, Home, River