Meen rashi names for boys

 DebanjanGod's Eye, Kajal of Goddess Eye
 DebashisPleased by Gods, Benediction of God
 DebashishPleased by Gods, Blessing of God
 DebashmeetLord of the Rings
 DebasisBlessings of God, Pleased by Gods
 DebasishBlessing of God, Blessings of God
 DebayanDevelopment of God
 DebendraSky God
 DebendranathThe Lord of Heaven, One whose Master is Devendra
 DebeshPleased by Gods
 DebiprasadBlessing of God
 DebjitOne who has Conquered Gods
 DebodyutyGod Light
 DeedarVision, Melancholy, Pleasant to Behold
 DeegDirection, Sky
 DeekshinInitiated, Consecrated
 DeekshithInitiated, Prepared, Meditation
 DeekshithanInitiated, Meditation, Prepared
 DeeksithInitiated, Meditation
 DeeksithanInitiated, Meditation
 DeelipProtector, The King
 DeelipanProtector, The King
 DeenFaith, Religion, Place Name, Belief
 Deena NathLeader, Head, Dean
 DeenabandhavProtector of the Downtrodden
 DeenabandhaveDefender of the Oppressed
 DeenabandhuFriend of the Poor
 DeenadayaalHumble and Merciful
 DeenadayalanGreat Philanthropist
 DeenanOne who Knows
 DeenanathProtector, Lord of the Poor
 DeenarArabic Currency
 DeenathLord Vishnu
 DeenathanLord Vishnu
 DeenbabdhuBrother of Poor People
 DeenbandhuPoor's Friend
 DeendayaFriend of Poor, Humble and Merciful
 DeendayalKind to the Poor, Humble and Merciful
 DeenpalThe Protector of the Helpless, The Sun
 DeenpreetLove for the Helpless
 DeenpremLove for the Helpless
 DeentekSupporter of the Helpless
 DeepThe Lamp of Light, Deep, Beautiful, Superior to Infinity
 Deepa LaxmiLight
 DeepaeshBright Moon, Lord of Light
 DeepakashSky Full of Lamps
 DeepakrajRadiant, Lamp, Kindle
 DeepamshuPart of Light
 DeepanOne who Lights Lamps, Lighting Up, Illumination
 DeepankarBrightness, Flame, One who Lights Lamps, Lord of Light
 DeepankaraOne who Lights Lamps
 DeepankerOne who Lights Lamps
 DeepanshuKing of Light
 DeepanthFriendly Characters
 DeepavaliRows of Lights, Row of Lamps
 DeepawaliRow of Lamps
 DeepayanLamp's Pathway
 DeepChandA Shining Lamp
 DeepdasServant of Light
 DeepenName of Poet, Lord of the Lamp
 DeependraLord of Light