Bharani nakshatra names for girls

 LitikaCute and Perfect
 LitthikaCute and Perfect
 LivanaMoon, Too: the Whiteness, Greece Goddess
 LivavtarLove Incarnate
 LiveenaBeloved, Friend, Dear
 LiviniaLavinium from the Stem End, Gay
 LiviyaForm of Olivia, Crown, Lividus, Ancient Roman Name
 LivyaI am with God
 LiyaI am with God
 LiyanaSoftness, Tenderness, Art
 LocavaManuscripts of God
 LochanThe Eye, Bright Eyes
 LochanaBright Eyes, Eye
 LogambalGoddess Parvati, Goddess of the World
 LoganayakiRulers of World, Goddess Parvati
 LogapriyaA Person who Loves the Universe, Love of World
 LogaratchagiBright Eyes
 LogavaniEarthy Character, Miracle Women
 LogeisvaryRuler of the World
 LogeshwariRuler of the World, Love Blessing
 LohanayakiWealthy One
 LohiniRed Skinned
 LohitaRuby, Sunlight, Goddess Lakshmi In the Form of Iron, Red
 LohitakshiRed Eyed
 LohithaRuby, Goddess Lakshmi in the Form of Iron, Red
 LohitikaThe Ruby
 Loka PriyaLustrous
 LokajananiMother of the World, Lakshmi
 LokakantaThorn for the World, Lord Vishnu
 LokakshiEye of Universe
 LokamatriMother of the World, Lakshmi
 LokamayaA Form of Godess Durga
 LokeiSafeguard of Honour
 LokeshaWater, Lose and Panni
 LokiaLoop on a Thread, Cover, Lid, End
 LokithaThe Enlightened One
 LokshitaPray for World
 LokyaLord of All Worlds, A Group of People
 LolaSorrow, Fickle, Carl, Goddess Lakshmi
 LolaksiThe Power of Lord Ganesha
 LolitaSorrows, Rubin, Ruby, Pain
 LolithaOne of the Famous Novel Written by Russian American Novelist Vladimir Nabokov, Ruby
 LomaaLaxami Maa
 LonaPretty, Beautiful, Solitary One, Lioness
 LonikaGoddess Laxmi
 LookeshwariKing of the Empire
 LopaWeaver, Learned, Wife of Sage
 LopamudraWife of Saint Agastya, Learned Woman