Mula nakshatra names for girls

 DhanikshaRich and Powerful
 DhanishtaA Star
 DhanishthaA Star
 DhanistaName of a Gopi of Gukul
 DhaniyaGoddess Name
 DhanlaxmiWealthy, Goddess Laxmi
 DhannaLord Kubera
 DhanshikaQueen of Wealth
 DhanshriGoddess Lakshmi, Rich
 DhanuMan of Wealth, The Zodiacal Sign Sagittarius, A Bow
 DhanuhastaWith a Bow in Hand, Archer
 DhanujaArujuna Wiil, Arjuna's Bow
 DhanushaA Bow, Arrow Tip, Genuine
 DhanushiProud of Rich
 DhanushkaDhan, Wealth
 DhanushmatiArmed with a Bow
 DhanushreeThe Bow or Name of a Hindu Rashi Sagittarius
 DhanushriThe Bow or Name of a Hindu Rashi Sagittarius
 DhanusreeThe Bow or Name of a Hindu Rashi Sagittarius
 DhanusriThe Bow or Name of a Hindu Rashi Sagittarius
 DhanvantiHolding Wealth, Very Quit
 DhanvanyaTreasurer of the Jungle
 DhanvatiContaining Wealth
 DhanvithaRich in Knowledge
 DhanyaWorthy, Virtuous, Fortunate, Great
 DhanyamalaAuspicious Garland
 DhanyashreeThankful, Blessed, Lucky or Giver of Wealth
 DhanyasreeThankful, Blessed, Lucky or Giver of Wealth
 DhanyasriThankful, Goddess Lakshmi, Blessed, Lucky or Giver of Wealth
 DhanyataFulfilment, Success, Money and Good Luck
 DhanytaFulfilment, Success, Money and Good Luck
 DharaConstant Flow, Wearing, Rain, The Earth
 DharabaiConstant Flow
 DharahasiniAlways Smile
 DharamleenOne Absorbed in Righteousness
 DharampreetLove for One's Faith, Love of Faith
 DharanaIs Associated to God Murugan, Bearing
 DharaneTamil Music Director Dharan
 DharaniAmman, Earth, A Minor Goddess, Success
 DharasuthaGoddess Durga
 DharikaSun, Morning Sun
 DharineeThe Earth
 DharitriThe Earth
 DhariyaHaving Patience
 DharmaPath of Life, Decree, Custom, Law
 DharmabhimukhaTuned Towards Religion
 DharmajaMother of Dharma, Another Name for Yudhisthira
 DharmataejaGlitter of Dharma
 DharmavatiName of a Raga
 DharmavrataActing According to Dharma
 DharmavrathaOne of the Consorts of Sage Marichi
 DharmilaRighteous One
 DharminiRighteous One, Religious
 DharmishtaLord of Dharma, Wants Religion
 DharmistaLord in Dharma, Wants Religion
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