Mula nakshatra names for girls

 DharmjotLight of Religious
 DharshaneeyaBlessing Giver
 DharshikaGood Looking Girl
 DharshiniSomeone who See, Bright and Happy One
 DharshinieSomeone who See, Bright and Happy One
 DharshinySomeone who See, Bright and Happy One
 DharsiniSomeone who See, Focus
 DhartiCute, Earth
 DharunaA Rishi, Supporting, Brave
 DharuniTo Get Aim Quickly
 DharushanaProtect, Branch of a Tree, Cover
 DharushikaProtect, Branch of a Tree, Cover
 DharvanA Winner
 DhatriLakshmi, Earth, A Son of Vishnu
 DhatrisriGoddess Lakshmi
 DhatuvardaniName of a Raga
 DhaulaPure White
 DhaumyaGrey, Smoky
 DhavalWhite, Earth, Fair Complexioned, Pure
 DhavalaHandsome, Dazzling White
 DhavalambariName of a Raga
 DhavitaPurified and Clean, Washed, Whitish
 DhavniCruel Against Sound, Music, Noise
 DhayalammalPure White
 DhayaniLight Green, Light Green Colour
 FaalOracle, Fruit
 FadeelahSuperior, Superiority, Cultured and Refined, Virtuous
 FadwaName Derived from Self Sacrifice, Redeem for Mildness
 FagunHoly Month in Spring
 Fahm AraAdorned with Intellect
 FahmidaIntelligent and Wise
 FainaCrown or Garland
 FaiqahExcellent, Surpassing
 FairySupernatural Sprite, Woman Known to have Magical Powers
 FaithConfidence, Charity, One of the Virtues, Trust
 FaizaGain, Who Wins a Success, Winner, Victorious
 FaizahWinner, Obtaining, Leader, Successful
 FajalBountiful Grace, Accomplished
 FakhrHonor, Pride, Glory, Something to Feel Proud about
 Fakhrun NisaGlory of the Women
 FalakThe Sky, Star, Breeze, Heaven
 FalanProductive, Beautiful
 FalaqDawn, Daybreak
 FalguFalgun Month, Lovely
 FalgunMonth in the Hindu Calendar, Arjun
 FalguniA Hindu Month, Grater Flower, Arjun
 FaloniIn Charge
 FamyaGood Fame
 FaneeshwarShiva, King of Serpents
 FanyaFrom France, Feminine of Francis, Young Deer
 FaqirahName of a Beautiful Woman (Wife of Murrah Al-asadi), Wife of Murrah Al-asadi
 FaraBeautiful, Lovely, Level Measure, Sunset
 FarahanCheerfully, Gladly
 FarahatJoys, Liveliness, Delights
 FaranAdvances, Happy, Handsome Servant
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