Vishakha nakshatra names for girls

 NalayiniSpecial, Goddess Paarvathy
 NalinakanthiName of a Raga
 NalinakshaOne with Eyes Like a Lotus, Lotus-eyed
 NalinakshiOne with Eyes Like Dear
 NalinashiniThe One with an Attractive Speech
 NalinayaElegant, Very Expressive, Lotus
 NaliniGoddess Laxmi, King of Flowers, Lotus, Lily
 NalinipriyaLotus Lover
 NallaStem, Queen, Nothing, Olive
 NallaayiniSpecial, Goddess Paarvathy
 NallammaGood Woman, Good Mother
 NallammaiExcellent Girl
 NallammalExcellent Girl
 NallarasiOnre with Lotus Like Eyes
 NalliniExcellent and Sweet
 NamahaRespect, Pray
 NamahalGoddess Saraswathy, Saraswati Goddess of Knowledge & Arts
 NamanA Friendly Man, Bow to God, Bowing, Salutation
 NamanarayaniName of a Raga
 NamasviName of Godess Parvati
 NamasyaWorthy of Salutation, Worshipping, A Goddess Name
 NambiniConfident and Sweet, Believing
 NameeshaGiving Pleasure, Twinkling of an Eye
 NameethaJackal or Hyena, Humble
 NamiOne of Vishnus Name, Of Great Re-known, Wave
 NamishaTwinkling of an Eye, Giving Pleasure
 NamitaHumble, Jackal or Hyena
 NamithaHumble, Jackal or Hyena
 NamiyahGift from God
 NamrathaModesty, Obediant
 NamritaModest, Utmost Humility See More, Humble
 NamuchiKama, Politeness, Tight, Permanent
 NamyaTo be Bowed to, Venerable
 NanadanaGreat Achiever, Happiness, Young Man, Daughter
 NanakiSister of Nanaka
 NancyMercy, God's Flavour, Graceful, He (God) Was Gracious
 NandaBliss, Peace, Goddess Durga, Joy
 NandaaFrolic, Dancing
 NandakiniName of a River
 NandaniDaughter of Anand
 NandhaParvathi, Happiness, Name of a Goddess, Lord Shivas Son
 NandhikaGoddess Lakshmi
 NandhiniIn Hindu Mythology, A Holy Cow, Bestowed of Joy, Grace
 NandiAnother Name for Durga, Lord Shivas Bull, Joyful, Other Likes
 NandikaGoddess Lakshmi, Nandhi is the Bull Which Serves Lord Shiva As a Gatekeeper
 NandineeDaughter, Happiness
 NandiniOne who Brings Joy, A Holy Cow, The Word Nandi with the Meaning Joyful, Goddess Durga
 NandisaMorning Glory
 NanditaA Delightful Daughter, Happy, Smile, Spread Love
 NandnaDaughter, One who Bestows Happiness
 NanduOne who Always be Cheerful, Cute than Anything, Happy
 NanduniMusical Instrument
 NangaiCultured Lady, Youthful, Young Girl
 NanganallalGoddess Durga
 NangayaYouthful Girl
 NanmaiyanThoughtful Person
 NanmalarExcellent Flower, Admirable Flower
 NanmaniBrilliant Gem, Excellent Gem