Vishakha nakshatra names for girls

 NanmoliAdmirable Word, Admirable Language
 NanmozhiSpeaking with Good Words
 NanmuthuBright Like a Pearl, Excellent Pearl
 NanthanaGoddess Luxmy
 NanthannaGoddess Luxmy
 NanthikaGoddess Parvathy
 NanthiniPleasure, Nand, Lakshmi, Enjoyment
 NanthinieRefers to Delight, Goddess Paarvathy, Nand, The Root
 NanthinyRefers to Delight, Goddess Paarvathy, Nand, The Root
 NanthithaPerson who Devotes Her Life for Lord Shiva, Nandhi is the Bull Which Serves Lord Shiva As a Gatekeeper
 NanuSmall, Beautiful
 NaomikaLakshmi, Durga
 NarGood Nature, Male
 NaraniThe Consort of Lord Narayana
 NarayaniAnother Name for Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, The Consort of Narayana, Vishnu or Krishna
 NarayiniMother Goddess Saraswathi and Lakshmi
 NareenPlace Name, A Companion, An Oak Tree, Man
 NareshaKing Lord
 NargisNarcissus, Sleep, Daffodil, Flower
 NariDeed, Donner, Woman
 NarinderThe King, Doctor, Lord of Mankind, Mighty Man
 NarinderpalProtector of a Man of the God of Heaven
 NarineSea Nymph, The Word Nereis with the Meaning Sea Nymph
 NarjeetRuler of Heart, Winner
 NarmadaOne who Arouses Tender Feelings in Others, Peace, River Narmada
 NarmadadeviGoddess of Narmada
 NarmadaichelviGoddess Lakshmi
 NarmadhaRiver Narmada, The One who Gives Pleasure
 NarmathaRiver, The One who Gives Pleasure
 NarmathaiThe One who Gives Pleasure
 NarmathamThe One who Gives Pleasure
 NarmathavarthiniThe One who Gives Pleasure
 NarmayaThe One who Gives Pleasure
 NarmeenSoft, Slender, Polite, Delicate
 NarnrataSubmissive, Humble
 NarrenManly, Filled with the Joy of Life, Imaginative and Enthusiastic
 NartanDancing, Dance
 NarthanaDance, Goddess Laxmi
 NarthannaDance, Goddess Laxmi
 NarumalarFragrance Flower, Aromatic Flowers
 NaseebLuck, Relative, Share, Noble
 NaseenCool Breeze
 NashatJoy, Youth, Cheerfulness, Growing Up
 NashelyThe One that is Loved or Loved One
 NashiOurs, Advisor
 NashidaSeeker, Student, Desirous
 NashikaIndestructible, Forgiver, One who Forgives
 NashitaLoves her Life, A Lively Woman
 NasihaSincere, One who Gives Valuable Advice, Advisor, Adviser
 NasiraHelper of God, Supporter, One who Helps, Glowing Star
 NataSnake, Christmas Babies, Bowed, Birthday
 NatabhairaviName of a Raga
 NatakapriyaName of a Raga
 NatanaDancing, Makes Others Dance
 NatanamaniA Dancer
 NatashaForm of Natalie, A Flower, Rebirth-from Anastasia, Born on Christmas
 NatchelviGood Girl
 NatesaLord of Dance, Lord of Dancers
 NateshaLord of Dancers
 NateshwariThe Consort of Nateshwara, Goddess Durga
 NathasyaWithout Any Hope
 NathikaNew One
 NathiyaEternal, Constant
 NathumeeraMeera Hindu Mystic Poet and Devotee of Krishna