Vishakha nakshatra names for girls

 NelaanjanaaWithin Rules
 NelaneOur Wish has Been Granted
 NelaneiOur Wish has Been Granted
 NelaniOur Wish has Been Granted
 NelofarLotus, A Flower, Water Lily
 NeminaVictorious Person, Victory of the People, Champion, Nobody
 NemishaMomentary, Twinkling of Eye
 NemishtaSweet, Satisfies
 NeraCandle, Love
 NeriyaalHaving Good Character
 NerunchiPoke Tree, Sharp and Pokey Plant, Thorn, Prickle
 NesamalarLovable Flower, Lovely
 NesamaniHoly, Love, Rain
 NesanilaLovable Moon
 NesaraNature, Sun
 NeshaNight, Music
 NeshikaNight, Honest
 NeshikkaNight, Honest
 NeshkaObservance of Religious Duties, The One in Meditation
 NeshwariGoddess Gayatri, Neshwari is Another Name of Goddess Gayatri
 NetaLeader, Pure, Plant, Guide
 NethraEyes, Eye
 NetraGuide, Eyes, Leader
 NetranjaliBlessing with Eyes
 NetravathiSundaravadha Kannulavalu
 NetravatiBeautiful-eyed, Beautiful Eyed
 NetriGuide, Beautiful Eyes
 NevaethaOffering Food for Deity
 Nevathika'Niva' Means Expression in Hebrew
 NevathiniGoddess Parvathy
 NeyaA Desire for Something, Bright, Lord Hanuman, Purpose
 NeyhaLove, Rain
 NeysaPure, Virginal, Intelligent
 NiamhTradition, Radiant Vibrant, The Bright
 NiaraOne with High Purpose
 NibeditaYou Like to Make Your Own Decisions and to Be the Master of Your Domain
 NibhaSimilar, Resembling, Like
 NibodhithaHaving Been Enlightened
 NichikaPerfect, Excellent, Entire
 NichyaPrommissing of Self
 NickitaAnother Name for Ganga, Flowing Down, Covered
 NidaVoice, Resembling an Elf, Call
 NidhaNight, Beautiful, Sleep
 NidharsanaSeeing the Holy God
 NidheeMoney, Life, Principle, Cute
 NidhiTreasure, Principle, Wealth, Money
 NidhimaTreasure or Wealth
 NidhipaTreasure Lord, Treasure
 NidiTo Bestow, Brilliant, Shine Upon
 NieshaNight, Pure
 NigaVision, Sight
 NigamaPhrase of Music
 NihaBeautiful, Naughty One, Dew Drop, Rain
 NihaliPassing Clouds, Generosity
 NiharLord Krishna, Dew, Fog, Mist