Almus name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hungarian
Usage: Finnish
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Almus
Meaning: Sleepy and Dreamy
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What does Almus mean?

Almus is Finnish cognate of Almos.

Variants of Almus

Almos, Álmos

How popular is the name Almus?

Almus is an uncommon baby name in United States, in use since 1890, peaked in 1890 when it ranked 994th and last appeared in 1948. Over 143 people have been named Almus in United States.

Also, Almus is a familiar name in Indonesia. At least, 200 people globally have been given the name as per our estimate.

View more ▾[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Here's what numbers has to say about Almus

You have a specific taste in people. You don't hang around with just anyone. However, this is why people respect you. Work on your ability to understand how people feel. Changes don't represent a problem for you. On the contrary, you are all about change. You don't have to lie but find a subtle way to tell someone they need improvement or work harder on something to get it done correctly. You love people with an attitude but open to discussion and hearing new opinions.

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Famous people named Almus

We could not find any notable namesake.


  1. Social Security Administration,
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