Nechesa name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: African-Bobangi, Hebrew, English-American, English and Swahili
Meaning: Her Life, Woman, Alive and Well, Great Joy, Cassia, Favourite and Favorite One
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What does Nechesa mean?

Nechesa is variation of Nekeisha. Nekeisha is variant of Nakeisha.

Variants of Nechesa

Nekeisha, Nakeisha, Nakeesha, Keisha

How popular is the name Nechesa?

Nechesa is a common baby name in Kenya. As per our estimate, over 1000 people has been named Nechesa globally.


Here's what numbers has to say about Nechesa

You are bold and gutsy, and this affects your personality. You are a man of your word. In fact, your word is your bond. In order to achieve something great and unseen so far, you have to rely on your talents, creativity, and intuition. You lack motivation and courage to take an action. So what if you fail? You secretly believe that you are a genius. Open your eyes before it's too late and explore your options.

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Famous people named Nechesa

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