Osburth name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old English
Meaning: Divinely Brilliant, Deity, Shiny and God
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What does Osburth mean?

Boy name Osburth has its origin in Old English. Osburth is a variant of Osbert. Osbert is a variant form of Ansbert. Origin of Osbert is in Old English is used principally in German and English, meaning of Osbert is "Divinely Brilliant and Bright".

Variants of Osburth

Osbert, Ansbert, Osbart, Ansobert

How popular is the name Osburth?

Osburth is an extremely rare name around the globe.


What numerology tells about Osburth?

You have a strong sense of order. People find you attractive because of your mysterious private life and self-confident approach to everything. Letter H in your name, represents your creativity. You act responsibly when involving other people in your actions. You are like a sponge because you soak up information as you go. If your name ends with letter H, it reveals you are a person of facts.

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Famous people named Osburth

We could not find any notable namesake.

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