Ushea name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Chinese
Meaning: A Plant, As Strong As an Ox, Wish and Desire
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What does Ushea mean?

Ushea is variation of Ushi. Origin of Ushi is in Chinese, meaning of Ushi is "Wish and A Plant".

Variants of Ushea


How popular is the name Ushea?

Ushea is an uncommon name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Ushea

Having letter A as your capstone reveals your greediness and ambition. You often forget that every problem comes with a solution. You believe in yourself, something we don't see much in people today. You are a freethinker. Reveal your pain and let people who've hurt you know how you feel. Instead of letting your past pull you back, travel to your future and focus on making plans on how to realize your goals.

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Famous people named Ushea

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