Yadnyesh name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Meaning: Lord
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What does Yadnyesh mean?

Meaning of Yadnyesh is Lord is specifically used in Oriya, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Telugu, Gujarati and Hindi is used for baby boys.

How popular is the name Yadnyesh?

Yadnyesh is a familiar baby name in India. According to our findings, at least 100 people have been bestowed Yadnyesh around the globe.


Numerological analysis of Yadnyesh

You are dominant when it comes to relationships. Explore yourself more. You are self-reliant, self-motivated and persistent. You sleep a lot because it's your way of escaping reality. Allow your creativity to take over and everything will fall into place before you know it. You have the reputation of making the same mistake twice and not following your heart, is what letter H as your capstone says about you.

Looking for a name like Yadnyesh? Please go through the following names

  •  Vapush is used especially in Gujarati, Kannada and Marathi, Vapush means "Handsome, Haveing Beautiful Form or Wonderful Figure" is a boy name
  •  Krishanth - Krishanth's meaning is Lord Krishna or Name of Lord Krishna is used substantially in Kannada and Bengali is given to boys
  •  Saktidharaya dominantly is used in Telugu, Hindi and Oriya is a baby boy name, meaning of Saktidharaya is "Lord Murugan"
  •  Trinath - Used specifically in Telugu, Hindi and Oriya, Trinath means "Lord Shivtripur Three Cities or Lord Shiva" is used as a baby boy name
  •  Shilavati means A River used for baby girls is used mostly in Malayalam, Kannada and Tamil

Famous people named Yadnyesh

We could not find any notable namesake.

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