Revati nakshatra names for boys

 ChanandeepThe Light of God's Feet
 ChanandipThe Light of God's Feet
 ChananjeetWinning the Service of Guru's Feet
 ChanannGod was Compassionate
 ChananpreetLove for the Light of God
 ChanchaladwalaGlittering Tail Suspended Above the Head
 ChanchaljeetVictory of the Lively
 ChanchalpreetLove for the Lively
 ChancyGoddess Lakshmi
 ChandMoon, To Shine
 ChandabalFiercely Strong
 ChandakThe Moon
 ChandanbirSandal Victory
 ChandandeepSandal Lamp
 ChandanpalPreserver of Sandalwood
 ChandanwantFull of Sandal's Fragrance
 ChandanyA River, Moon Light, Star, Moonlight
 ChandarMoon, The Moon
 ChandaraShining, Radiant, Bright, Moon
 ChandarmouliLord Shiva
 ChandavarmanAn Old King
 ChandavirVery Brave, A Buddhist Deity
 ChandeThe Element Chandra Meaning Moon, To Shine
 ChandeedaasName of a Saint
 ChanderThe Moon, Moon
 ChanderbhanMoon on the Forehead
 ChanderjeetConquer of the Moon
 ChanderjitOne who has Conquered the Moon
 ChanderjotMoons Light, Moon's Light
 ChandermohanAttractive Like the Moon
 ChanderpreetMoons Love, Moon's Love
 ChandhruThe Moon, Moon
 ChandhuThe Moon
 ChandidasName of a Saint, Devotee of Chendi Devi
 ChandipatiLord of the Fierce Goddess
 ChandninAnointed with Sandalwood, Another Name for Shiva
 ChandodevaLord of the Hymns
 Chandra BhanSun, Moon
 Chandra SaiThe Moon
 ChandraananMoon-like Face
 ChandrabandhuA Cronch
 ChandrabanuSon of Lord Krishna
 ChandrabhMoon Light
 ChandrabhanLustrous as the Moon
 ChandrabhanaLustrous as Moon, The Moon
 ChandrabhushanLord Shiva
 ChandrachoodLord Shiva
 ChandrachurAnother Name for the Hindu God Shiva, Lord Shiva
 ChandradattSon of Moon
 ChandradevA King, Moon God
 ChandradevanA King, Moon God
 ChandradharLord Shiva, One who Wears Moon
 ChandradityaName of a King
 ChandraguptName of Ancient King
 ChandrahasBow of Lord Shiva, A Person with a Beautiful Smile
 ChandrajMercury Planet
 ChandrakPeacock Feather
 ChandrakaLunar Shining
 ChandrakantThe Elements Chandra Meaning Moon, Moonstone
 ChandrakanthLoved by the Moon
 ChandraketuMoon Banner
 ChandrakiranRays of Moon, Moonbeam
 ChandrakirthiAs Famous as the Moon
 ChandrakishoreMoonstone, The Moon
 ChandrakumarThe Moon
 ChandramaMoon, Sweet, Name of a Lunar and Fertility God
 ChandramaadhavSweet Like Moon
 ChandramauliThe One who Wears Moon on Head, Lord Shiva
 ChandramohanAttractive as the Moon, Attractive Like the Moon