Ashlesha nakshatra names for girls

 ManasviniWise, Self-Controlled, Goddess Durga, Good
 ManasvitaDesires Intelligence
 ManaswiMotherly Love
 ManaswiniThe God of Intelligence a Light, High Minded, Goddess Durga
 ManaswitaDesires Intelligence
 ManasyWith a Sound Mind, A Lady, Dame
 ManatManah, A Prayer
 ManavathiGoddess Durga
 ManaveeGirl with Humanity, One who Poses All Best Qualities, First Woman, Spouse of Manu
 ManaviGirl with Humanity, One who Poses All Best Qualities, First Woman, Spouse of Manu
 ManayiWife of Manu
 MandaakiniAn Indian River
 MandahasaA Lady
 MandakiniA River
 MandakrantaA Sanskrit Metre
 MandamaariName of a Raga
 MandanaEverlasting, Cheerful, Decoration
 MandaraLarge, Firm, Mythical Tree, Slow
 MandaraaA Smile
 MandarikaThe Coral Tree
 MandarmalikaA Garland of Celestial, A River
 MandaviWife of Bharat, Wife of Bharat In Ramayana
 MandeepaLight of Heart
 MandhodariOne who can Digest Secrets, Wife of Ravana
 MandipLight of the Mind
 MandipaPraised for his Intelligence
 MandiraCymbals, Traditional, Intelligent, A Dwelling
 MandithaDecorated, Adorned
 MandodariWife of Rawan, With Narrow Abdomen
 MandodhariRavan Wife, With Narrow Abdomen
 MandoviA Smile
 MandyWorthy of Love, The Lovely, Gracious, Lovable
 ManeeshaWish, Goddess of Mind, Desire, Intellect
 ManeeshiA Learned Person, Beautiful Eyes, Wise
 ManekaRuby, Of Jewels, Precious Jewel
 MangaiYouth, Cultured Lady
 MangaiyarkkarasiQueen of Female Youth
 MangalaBefore Morning, Auspicious, Bliss, Good Song
 MangalalakshmiName of Shakti
 MangalamAll Auspicious Lord
 MangalanayagiBharatha's Wife Name
 MangalavalliAuspicious, Bliss
 MangalavathiName of a Raga
 MangaliAuspicious, Fragrant
 MangalyaPure, Pious
 MangayarkarasiGoddess Parvati
 MangiriFlower of Mango Plant
 ManglaAuspicious, Before Morning, Good Times
 ManhitaTogetherness, Wins Hearts
 ManhithaGoodwill of People
 Mani ChandrikaMoon Light
 Mani RevathiName of Star Combine with Fare and Love
 ManibhuA Precious Jewel
 ManickamOne in Nav Rathna Jems, A Jem, Lord Krishna
 ManideepGem, Bead-like Lamp, Light of Diamond
 ManideepaA Lamp of Precious Stones
 ManikRuby, Gem, Honoured, Valued
 ManikaRuby, Precious Jewel, Of Jewels
 ManikarniGoddess Durga
 ManikarnikaEarring Containing a Jewel, Name of Rani Laxmibai
 ManikuntalaA Lamp of Precious Stones, One Whose Hair is Like Gems
 ManikyaBead Like Lamp, A Light Pink to Blood Red Gemstone, Ruby
 ManilaJewel of a Son, There is Nilad
 ManimaalaaBeads Ornament of an Ear
 ManiMaalaiGem Necklace
 ManimalaA String of Pearls
 ManimalarA Woman whose Hair is Like Gems
 ManimayFull of Jewel