Hasta nakshatra names for girls

 Ratna PriyaLover of Jewels
 RatnabaliString of Pearls
 RatnajyotiLight from a Jewel, Lustrous Jewel
 RatnajyoutiA Very Beautiful Woman, Lustrous Jewel
 RatnalekhaSplendour of Jewels, Splendor of Jewels
 RatnaliA Jewelled
 RatnamalaChain with Gems, String of Pearls
 RatnangiJewel Bodied, Jewel-bodied, With Gems for Limbs
 RatnaprabhaRadiation from the Diamonds, Earth
 RatnapriyaLoved by Jewels, Adorned
 RatnashuThe Earth
 RatnavaliA Bunch of Gems
 RatnawaliWife of the Famous Poet Named Tulsi Das, Wife of the Famous Poet Named Tulsidas
 RatriBow, Born At Night
 RatrinightA Name for Goddess Durga
 RattaImbued with Devotion
 RattanpalDevoted to God
 RattiWife of Kamdeva
 RatuTrue Speech, Truthful, Queen
 RatujaDaughter of Truth
 RaudramukhiOne who has a Fierce Face Like Destroyer Rudra
 RaudriA Garland of Gems
 RaudzahGarden In Paradise
 Raunaq JahanLuster of the World
 Raushan AraAdorning Light Female
 Raushan JabinOf Radiant Forehead
 RavaliSound Came from Murali, Eshwara
 RavdeepLight of Sun
 RaveenA Bird, Pretty, Sunny
 RavenBlack Bird Like a Crow, Sunny, Raven
 RavichandrikaGlory of Sun, Moonlight
 RavijaDaughter of the Sun
 RavinaSunny, Beauty of the Sun, Bright
 RavinnaBright, Beauty of the Sun, Sunny
 RaviprabhaLight of the Sun
 RavipriyaRed Lotus Flower
 RavishaThe Sun, Bending, Decreasing
 RavishtaLoved by the Sun
 RaviyankiDaughter of the Sun God, Sunshine
 RavleenSpreading Sunshine
 RavneetSource of Light, Morality Like Sun
 RavyankiSunshine' Href='Girl-Names-For-Meaning-Sunshine.Aspx'>Sunshine, Sunshine
 RawalGold Dust
 RawdhaGarden, A Bunch of Gems
 RayaWise Guardian, Goddess Parvati, Flowing of a River, Advice
 RaynishaVariation of Raymond, Wise Protection, Female Sheep, The Ewe
 RaythiA Ray of Light
 ReefaaNobility, Bearer of High Ranking, Elevation
 ReeganKing Lear
 ReehaDestroyer of Enemies, Air, Smell, Star
 ReehamMercy, Light Rain, Drizzle, Little
 ReemResembling a Horned Animal, White Antelope, Seed Name of Goddess Durga, Gazelle
 ReemaGazelle, White Antelope, Goddess Durga, Sukh
 ReemikaA Pure Beauty
 ReenaReborn, Shy, Council, Cute
 ReenadeviFlow, Sated with Drink
 ReenuAmiable and Cooperative
 ReepalLove, Merciful or Compassionate
 ReeshaFeather, Sanity, Line, Saintly
 ReetCustom, Culture, Tradition, Pearl
 ReethWhite Antelope, Tradition, Traditions, Goddess Durga
 ReethanaName of Goddess Saraswati, One who is Endowed with Immense Capabilities
 ReethanyaOne who is Endowed with Immense Capabilities, Name of Goddess Saraswati
 ReethiMethod, Manner
 ReetulTruth Seeking, Talented
 ReevaTied, River, A Star, Joined