Punarvasu nakshatra names for girls

 HiteshreeWell Wisher, Goddess Laxmi's Second Name
 HiteshriGood Wisher
 HithaWho Wants Good for Every One, Lovable
 HithaishreeJoyful, Beautiful
 HitiLove and Care, Well-wisher, Hyena
 HitikaLord Shiva
 HitikshaWell Wisher
 HitlataWell Wisher
 HitulWell Wisher
 HityshiWell Wishers
 HiyaOf the Heart, Heart
 HiyasviFull of Happiness
 HizaLucky, Beauty
 KeciaBeautiful Rain, Abbreviation of Lakeisha, Alive and Well, Great Joy
 KedarnathaLord Shiva
 KedmaWoman of the East, Towards the East
 KehaniBeautiful Girl
 KeishaGreat Joy, Alive and Well, Favorite One, Woman
 KeiyonaMorning Star
 KejalKohl, Eyeliner
 KekaaVoice of a Peacock, Sound of Peacock
 KekalaHymn, Dancer, A Song in Praise of God
 KekavalaDevotional Song, Peacock
 KelakaArtistic, Playful
 KelikaAnother Name of Rati, Sportive, Amusment, Sport
 KelikamalaShukracharya's Daughter
 KelilaCrown Laurel, Crowned, Victory
 KelitaThe Adopted One
 KellynaLively, Brave Warrior, Aggressive, Bright Headed
 KelsyShip Island, Fountain or Spring, Brave
 KenaA Monsoon Flower, Greatest Champion
 KenatiSurppasing All, Another Name of Rati
 KendraKnowing, Center, Knowledge, Keen Power
 KenishaA Beautiful Life, Gorgeous Woman, Flower
 KenishkaLittle Princes
 KeranA Wooden Post, Warrior and Assault
 KeraniHoly Bell, Sacred Bells
 KerthigaFame, Glory, Popular, Prestige
 KerthikaPopular, Prestige, Glory
 KerthikashreeFame, Glory, Popular, Prestige
 KesarPollen, Saffron, Lion
 KesareeSaffron Coloured
 KesariA Lion, Saffron
 KesavarthiniGoddess Parvathy, Amman
 KesaviWife of Lord Vishnu
 KeshaGod is Gracious, Hair, Immense Joy
 KeshavarthiniGoddess Parvathy, Amman
 KeshaveeLong Beautiful Hair, Radha
 KeshaviLong Beautiful Hair, Radha
 KeshiA Long-Haired Man, One with an Attractive Hair
 KeshikaA Woman with Beautiful Hair
 KeshinLion, Saffron
 KeshiniWoman with Beautiful Hair
 KeshniGirl with Long Hair
 KeshoriA Young Girl
 KeshviRadha, Long Beautiful Hair, Attachment
 KesiniOne with Beautiful Hair
 KetaaA Flag
 KetakeeA Cream Coloured Flower